Still I'll Rise Poem by Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Ekiti State, Nigeria
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Falana Zion
Ekiti State, Nigeria
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Still I'll Rise

You may trample on me like the ground
Sweep me away with your hopeless mind
But like the dust,
I'll rise

Paint me with your tongue
That speaks faintly of all
Throw me into a stinking pit
Still, my soul will not quit

Cut me down like a tree
Surely my arms will fall
But my root will stand
And flourishly rise

Does my life pierce your heart?
Because I act like I've gotten the earth
Does my sight upset you?
Cause I shine like the stars

Life may seize his breathe
Showing me the road to the other side
But, my impacts would never rest
From telling all I was here

Like the moon and the stars
That shine in the dark
Like the dust of the ground
I'll rise

Time may write me off its memory
Telling me the life's mysteries
But my wonderful book and ink
Will live on, telling the world I was here

Friday, March 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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Falana Zion

Falana Zion

Ekiti State, Nigeria
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Falana Zion
Ekiti State, Nigeria
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