Starlight Poem by Unwritten Soul

Unwritten Soul

Unwritten Soul

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Unwritten Soul
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Rating: 4.6

Up to the sky
I'm just only a little star
My faint color seen from a far
Loyal to love the night
I am not the brightest one
But i share the light
In my simple poem
Talking about you and me
Reason why this poem was written
In a paper, but in heart you will not be forgotten

Up to the sky
Just a little star, someone who i am
Your wish reaches me up to the sky
Sending me a shine in thousands miles
So i twinkle you little bright smile
and I will keep shine till i die

In a big space of glory
I am only a little star
Even we are far my dearies
The shine is our story

For loyalty and wishing on me
I could be your fallen star
Wish all the best of all
You catch me when I fall
Hope our shine forget it all

I am just a little star
when each of you stick with me
It makes me feel like a biggest one
Each wish goes through this night
sending me more stunning light
Beautiful me, I gain intense bright
But the shine is our story
In a big space of glory

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: friendship
Dedicated to all my beloved friends and PH fellows
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : THANK YOU: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
What a huge day of 13th of July, everyone
send light to me for a smile, so this only i can
give, the big smile as my reply...I am just
a little star but with all of you the night
we shared glory in perfect shiny story
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

hey, now i have tear, George have tear running down his beak, lol. lol bro, hope your havin a good day, paint the stars, lil soul

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Shadow Girl 13 July 2011

beautiful..i agree with gg happy b'day

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Rekha Mandagere 15 July 2011

This idol is small but fame is tall! Let this little pole star keep shining with greater intensity and love for humanity forever! Lovely poem. I give 10++++++ to the power of 'n' to this.

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Hans Vr 22 July 2011

This poem is shining as a bright star on Poem Hunter. Very well written. The humility, all the emotion, so beautiful Poetry that may be still read by the next three generations

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Whispering Rose 03 August 2011

what a lovely piece of your soul....i loved thsi line 'I could be your fallen star'...friends are life falling stars, they make all our wishes of true friendship come to life

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Kumarmani Mahakul 19 October 2018

I am just a little star when each of you stick with me It makes me feel like a biggest one Each wish goes through this night sending me more stunning light Beautiful me, I gain intense bright But the shine is our story In a big space of touching and impressive. A beautiful poem nicely executed.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 April 2018

Little stars enlight the sky in night and attract the eyes of the people. Though a star is little yet it has much qualities. This poem signifies the higher quality in a tiny cell. You have beautifully inscribed this poem that anybody may appreciate it. Thanks for sharing.10

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Tom Allport 30 September 2017

an enlightening and uplifting poem that would bring a smile to the darkest place? .................well written US

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Simone Inez Harriman 12 September 2017

Soul..your heart and sincerity is in the openness and honesty in your words that you write straight from your heart. This one goes straight to my favorites.10+++++++

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Frank James Davis 20 April 2013

The utter sincerity of your poetic humility is quite charming; your art, enchanting. Both you, and your work, Soul, are easy to like.

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Unwritten Soul

Unwritten Soul

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Unwritten Soul
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