Spring Break Poem by Marilyn Lott

Marilyn Lott

Marilyn Lott

Washington state USA
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Marilyn Lott
Washington state USA
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Spring Break

Rating: 5.0

The lazy time of spring break
Is here and just in time
Kids and teachers alike
Are more than ready, I find

Relaxing by the water’s edge
Perhaps a waterfall
Dreamy time to ponder
Time to just plain stall

Girls so cute and lovable
With happy spring break smiles
Perhaps a little flirting too
After all, it is a pretty girl’s style

Parks are filled with lush plants
And perhaps you’ll find as well
A menagerie of lovely birds
With spring break stories to tell

Yes, a special time of year comes
When there is a pause to take
A favorite time for many folks
Who truly enjoy spring break!

Kesav Easwaran 30 April 2009

Beautiful 'spring eve' imageries Marilyn...the third stanza lines i liked most in this lovely write...how natural they read! 10

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Stephen Stirk 30 April 2009

Lovely poem about spring break. We've got one coming up next monday. The May bank holiday. I can't wait. The only problem is, they are over too soon. Much enjoyed the read Steve

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Marilyn Lott

Marilyn Lott

Washington state USA
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Marilyn Lott
Washington state USA
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