Spiritual Politics Poem by Saravanan Sivasubramanian

Saravanan Sivasubramanian

Saravanan Sivasubramanian

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Saravanan Sivasubramanian
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Spiritual Politics

Rating: 5.0

Why are you not
Identify the spiritual politics
At greenery kolli mountains?

Why are you not
Identify the spiritual politics
At the foot steps of
Saint vallalar?

Why are you not
Identify the spiritual politics
At the red eyes
Of thoothukudi rebels?

You often stay
Atmountain Himalayas
And search something

Are you find or not?
That is your personal matter
I never bother about it

But don't put the unfamiliar
Things to us.
You are not have the enough
Awareness about
Tamilian history

You are not have the enough
Awareness about
Spiritual and politics

Then how you lead
The Spiritualpolitics?

Spiritual Politics
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: politics
Kingsley Egbukole 11 December 2019

Very interesting poem. Nice reading. Thanks for sharing...10.

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thanks for your nice words and encouragement

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Mahtab Bangalee 11 December 2019

You are not have the enough Awareness about Spiritual and politics Then how you lead The Spiritual politics? /// marvelous writing; it's really a good poem; masterly crafted o my master master of soul yeah, now you are in contemplation you are seeking something imperceptible yeah; if you get fully please provide us if you think it's not a matter of providing but fact of feelings then tell us why you do politics with your intrinsic imagine! ! !

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Saravanan Sivasubramanian

Saravanan Sivasubramanian

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Saravanan Sivasubramanian
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