Soul Poem Poem by Della Perry

Della Perry

Della Perry

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Della Perry
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Soul Poem

Rating: 4.8

My soul, you must understand
Is within these poems
Truth is hidden within the lines of verse
I have to write my life, my worth onto blank paper
Those feelings have to be set free
Or I will explode with emotions
Guilt, sadness, grief
Happiness, elation, confidence
They burn inside my chest, erupting
As those words tumble from the pen
Telling my life with prose.

Thursday, September 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
Writing is an addiction, I need my fix daily. Do you?
Bri Edwards 14 December 2016

i DON'T NEED my writing fix daily, but it is something to fall back on when the ice cream and pizza has vanished! actually, for the last forty days (40) i have faithfully written, as in a diary, a poem telling about my day's activities. it is another something to do to fill some time in the evening, when the PC is in someone else's hands, i have read some from one or more library books, and it is near the time to brush my teeth! Della, i plan to put this into Section A of December's showcase, but i'll leave a note there and here questioning your use of prose, not poetry or poesy or poem(s) , at the very end of this poem. WHY 'PROSE'? ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from Google: Prose - Examples and Definition of Prose - Literary Devices Prose is a form of language that has no formal metrical structure. It applies a natural flow of speech, and ordinary grammatical structure rather than rhythmic structure, such as in the case of traditional poetry. Normal every day speech is spoken in prose and most people think and write in prose form. ============================================ Please! DON'T EXPLODE. I AIN'T cleaning up after you! bri :)

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Kyvin Nash 03 September 2015

I love this, its the very thing that's keeping us awake at night writing until late hours of the morning, it is the very thing that makes me lie with a pen and a pad under my pillow, this words its like they are begging to be set free, lovely profound write, as poets we live to set free those emotions, thank you for saying these...the two last lines strong personification - my life in prose(best order) soul (me) literally pouring yourself into the blank page, that's some creative writing and truth together!

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Della Perry

Della Perry

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Della Perry
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