Sonnet 67: Heat Wave Poem by David Wood

David Wood

David Wood

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David Wood
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Sonnet 67: Heat Wave

Rating: 4.8

What I’d give for a nice juicy apple
A green one a red one I do not care
For a cold one I’d even go to chapel
Or failing that I’d have an ice cold pear.

For this heat wave has now gone on for weeks
Sticky prickly days and hot sticky nights
We all listen when the weather man speaks
Lying awake until the morning lights.

The car is now like an oven inside
And the dog is panting in all this heat
And keeping her cool is hard to decide
As she’s always running around my feet.

In times when it rains all we want is sun
But we just get heat waves, and that’s not fun.

Pradip Chattopadhyay 20 July 2013

but the heat has also its fruits, a lovely poem from your pen (or pain?)

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Heather Wilkins 20 July 2013

the heat wave is spreading all over the world. the car is now like an oven inside. I thought it would explode.

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Dee Corpolongo 20 July 2013

Very well said sonnet that is enjoyable yet not! Well described complaints about weather and heat, and extremes of nature!

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 22 July 2013

the weather man speaks Lying... Weatherman always says 50% chance of rain.50% chance of heat wave. Beautiful sonnet to say what we see.

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Valerie Dohren 21 July 2013

Certainly very topical David - today we have a welcome respite here, but I believe its coming back with a vengeance! !

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Valsa George 21 July 2013

With Global warming, this phenomenon is so widespread and recurring! When it rains, it rains cats and dogs! In many parts of India, it has been raining like never before! Reading your poem, I really experienced the heat wave!

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Bri Edwards 21 July 2013

i'm in a hurry so i won't take time to read the comments on this. but here is MY comment: i love it! the u.s. has also recently had widespread heatwaves, but here in northern california, near the coastal city of eureka, it has been quite comfortable.......though 50 miles south of here or inland i believe the temps were 20 or more degrees warmer recently than i our small city. the only oops i thought there was as i read the poem was the use of hard to decide. i know decide makes for a good rhyme and you may need a certain meter to be consistent, but may i suggest that the line: And keeping her cool is hard to decide would sound much better to me if it were to read: And how to keep her cool is hard to decide? ....maybe your use of decide is a british usage i am just not familiar with. thanks for sharing the poem. even if the weather wasn't cool, the poem was! it has been sent to my poemlist. bri

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Neela Nath Das 20 July 2013

Beautiful sonnet.We heard about the heat wave and miserable death of some unfortunate persons.Very relevant poem indeed.

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David Wood

David Wood

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David Wood
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