Solar Game Poem by Mihaela Pirjol

Mihaela Pirjol

Mihaela Pirjol

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Mihaela Pirjol
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Solar Game

Rating: 5.0

Sonorous images transmitting emotion,
vibrating, electrifying senses
with anticipation…solar and sonic:
the Aeolian reverberation
communicating with the heart;
the mystic voice in the silent moment
when the hourglass freezes its sand,
the moment of bliss in static time
with an eternity in it,
caressing the soul with its ethereal splendour…

Sunbeams playfully piercing
through flowery branches
of oleander cream and pink,
as in ‘hide-and-seek';
And I hide behind the shadows,
and they seek me through the leaves:
the golden Eye watching me
with its bright focal light,
mirroring my irises in sight…

Immersed in yellow light, —
rainbow sunrays my eyelashes!
flirting and fluttering
a twinkling game
at the edges of my eyelids,
dancing at the gates of my soul
till its warm, red-orange glow dimmed
in Mediterranean twilight submerged…
salty good-byes upon my lips:
‘O fire-ball, you're hiding behind the horizon! '.

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: garden,sea,summer time ,sunset
Kumarmani Mahakul 12 December 2018

Sonorous images transmitting emotion, vibrating, electrifying senses with and sonic, the aeolian reverberation communicating with the heart, the mystic voice in the silent moment when the hourglass freezes its sand, ....fantastic beginning with touching expression. Beautifully penned. Thanks.

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Beautiful imagination and wonderful poem on sun beams and the rhythm style is most fascinating showing the poem vibration in its real sense of entertainment and rhythm.

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Richard Beevor 27 June 2014

Another excellent piece from Mihaela, your work is as always inspiring.

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Mihaela Pirjol

Mihaela Pirjol

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Mihaela Pirjol
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