Soap Group Poem by Raj Dronamraju

Raj Dronamraju

Raj Dronamraju

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Raj Dronamraju
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Soap Group

A million violent uncivil targets
Spazz out in the chroniclers' atypical response
"bring me back to a place of childhood friendships"

Your whole approach is wrong
You say you're dying for a sprite
I hate the older generation
The smell of indulgence
I hate the younger generation
They smell of ignorance

You now have my full attention
But not for very long
To open a bank account requires my DNA and an IOU for human slavery

Everything you do is wrong
You no longer have my attention
Your verses make me afraid of adjectives
I won't stay until the end

You made me think of the dullest origins of capitalism
And with much pride I shouted out "I am not an intellectual"
The cheers that followed had a quality of uncertainty and died out quickly

Raj Dronamraju

Raj Dronamraju

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Raj Dronamraju
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