So Far Away! ! ! Poem by Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

Accra, GHANA
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Edward Kofi Louis
Accra, GHANA
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So Far Away! ! !

Rating: 5.0

Respecting all the kingdoms on earth,
Mankind on earth,
Kings and Queens ruling the people;
Also to respect the Kingdoms of Righteousness!

So far away! ! ! So far away with my mind!
Realms of realms,
Into higher levels to see the beauty of creation;
Able to thank the Creator Almighty;

Mankind on earth,
Living and learning always;
Only with the works of the truth! For peace and love! !
Than with evil acts! ! Only to destroy the world.

So far away! So far away! ! So far away! ! !
Understanding the beauty of life,
True love in the world so sweet when the right thing is done!
Without racism;

Only to uplift righteous morals,
Sharing and caring,
Able to help others without racism!
The world needs peace than war.

Mahtab Bangalee 08 June 2020

So far away! ! ! So far away with my mind! Realms of realms, Into higher levels to see the beauty of creation; Able to thank the Creator Almighty; ..... beautiful inside feelings and poetic expression...10++

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Edward Kofi Louis 08 June 2020

Kings and Queens ruling the people! ! We need peace than war.

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Edward Kofi Louis 08 June 2020

The world needs peace than war! ! ! Under the umbrella of righteous works.

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Edward Kofi Louis 08 June 2020

Righteous morals, Sharing and caring for others without racism; We are all human beings on earth. Thanks for your comment on my poem. Stay blessed always.

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Varsha M 08 June 2020

Racism so well presented. Respecting all the kingdoms on earth. This begining is so good. Do far away! so far away! So far away! Understanding the beauty of life True love in the world so sweet when the right thing is. done! Without racism. Very beautifully expressed. Good work.

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Leeann Azzopardi 08 June 2020

Amen I wish this world stop the hate and bring the peace

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Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

Accra, GHANA
follow poet
Edward Kofi Louis
Accra, GHANA
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