Skull And Bones Poem by Eric Cockrell

Eric Cockrell

Eric Cockrell

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Eric Cockrell
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Skull And Bones

Skull And Bones,
hands on the heart,
finger on the button...

chosen, and groomed,
covered by the veil,
world by design.

economics held,
population control,
Aids and starvation,

and war after war.
oil rigs, nuclear nights,
done step by step;

all part of the plan....
Skull And Bones!

Brian Jani 30 June 2014

truthful poem here.terrible times these that we are living in hey

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Brian Jani 30 June 2014

truthful poem here.terrible times these that we are living in hey

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Brian Jani 30 June 2014

truthful poem here.terrible times these that we are living in hey

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Terence George Craddock 03 December 2011

Aids and starvation Interesting comment that, WHO, the World Health Organization, stopped aid funding the supplies of contraceptives such as the pill a year before aids broke out in Africa. With the disease Aids of course, increasing African population and the threat of African states going communist was no longer a threat. Laymen who swallowed the line believe Aids jumped the genetic barrier between monkeys and humans. Real experts state this is impossible. The smoking gun. Top scientists secretly working on biological weapons research programmes years later stepped up to receive their Nobel Prize for break through drugs in medicine, to slow the spread of Aids in infected victims. Hard data to find? I did it in the1990s without a computer by simply checking the paper trail books and magazine publications. A dying skill? The truth is out there. Bonesmen cannot hide, Skull And Bones only leases power, after tribulation comes an accounting with eternity. We are all judged. Many are prepared to die for profit and war, few for peace. But the real winners are the meek, who will eventually inherit a new earth. The sermon on the mount is a recipe for peace.

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Eric Cockrell

Eric Cockrell

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Eric Cockrell
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