Simple Beauty Poem by Silas Rosalie Dumont

Silas Rosalie Dumont

Silas Rosalie Dumont

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Silas Rosalie Dumont
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Simple Beauty

Thoughts flowing freely onto the page
Like ink from a pen, splashing colour as
A thousand watercolours streaking gallantly
Through the powdery blue sky, that deepens
Towards its pinnacle, cloud-dappled
The sweetness of life sits gently
On my tongue, existence is truly beautiful
Sugary even, as it plays on the joyful tip
Of my palate, which frolics in an Eden
Of life's finest moments.
People are genuinely beloved today
Why are they not always this way?
Our flaws are showing in all their majesty
Like the brilliant shadows of Rembrandt light
We are like Birds of Paradise, children of
The forbidden fruit, whose nectar is golden
Like the flowers of its tree. We are radiant
In our auras of emotion which emanate
From the very core of our beautiful lies
Golden rays of sunlight are nothing
When compared to the beauty of the human
Our intricate communities thrive
And even as we often suffer we find beauty
In the smallest trifles of our lowly lives
The laughter of small children
In the waning light, the contented parent
Rests hopeful, not that suffering
Should be absent, but rather that
It should be beautiful as only pain can be
And as people climb out of ruined shelters
Into the horrific world they hid from
They rebuild indomitable like the Gauls of
Children's books.
A crown of flowers in a boy's hair
Brings more joy than the abundance
Of Western life. For they do not rival
But compliment his beauty.
Should all life be seen drab and gray?
No, for the truth is full of sun
Life must be sampled in simple beauty
At least once in a while
My prescription is this
See the colour of the grass, and see it
Not for what it isn't
But for how green it already is

Thursday, June 30, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,joy,life
Written April 2022
Chinedu Dike 06 July 2022

A witty, philosophical rendition nicely crafted with conviction

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Silas Rosalie Dumont

Silas Rosalie Dumont

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Silas Rosalie Dumont
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