Silent Friend Poem by Fahim Sayed

Fahim Sayed

Fahim Sayed

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Fahim Sayed
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Silent Friend

Rating: 5.0

She will stand out and smile,
on my acheivements,
but she wont show how proud she feels,
at those moments.

she is the first one to lay out her hand,
on my failures,
she shows no emotions,
but inside she is heart broken, more than me,

She knows when i am happy, when i am sad.
She knows everything, when i wake up, when i go to bed.

When in her arms,
my world shrinks to a ball of happiness and care.
I feel no need to worry about anything,
when she is there.

She always listens to me,
and i always seek her advice,
the kindness, love, care and much more,
at no price.

World has one name for her,
i call her the same,
she is my mother,
my silent friend.

Hugo Sanchez 03 May 2009

great poem! ! good, deep and creative...i give you a 10+

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Estrella Baldemosa 02 May 2009

This is so true in some cultures where emotions are not articulated but are felt. This reminds me of my mother. a 10

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Dr.subhendu Kar 02 May 2009

oh tht is the true love epitomized deep on skin of soul, wrought ingenious by luscious flow, well done.....

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Honest Heart 20 March 2009

WOW! ! ! .......This is the power of love.........It is full of emotion......and this is true....very nice poem.......I loved it a looooooooooot....keeeeeeeeeeep writing :) ....

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Fahim Sayed

Fahim Sayed

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Fahim Sayed
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