Silent Cries Poem by Danielle Beechum

Danielle Beechum

Danielle Beechum

Los Angeles
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Danielle Beechum
Los Angeles
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Silent Cries

How many times can I cry silent cries
Lungs overwhelmed by the burning
Sensation in my heart. Eyes swollen from the
Pounding of thunderous mind storms and
Volcanic eruptions of emotions.

How many times can they hear
My silent cries, my empty tears
My empty soul surrounded by
Painful experiences, unwanted and unforgiving

Why is my pain not visible yet tangible
Why is my heart heavy with questions
And doubts and wondering

I cry ever so silently so no one can hear
Yet they always seem to detect my fear
But when I scream at them mercilessly for
Help they are deafened by their ignorance
And I am left alone falling into depths of
Embarrassment and foolishness.

My silent cries are draining me
Overwhelming my every sense and
Invading my sanity. So I kneel and I pray
And I ask for forgiveness and blessings
To restore my soul to peace

And as I am touched by the hand of relief
And smiled upon by my Father, I cry myself
To sleep where I escape into serenity, happiness,
silent laughs and incandescent smiles.

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Danielle Beechum

Danielle Beechum

Los Angeles
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Danielle Beechum
Los Angeles
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