Senses Poem by Quoth TheRaven

Quoth TheRaven

Quoth TheRaven

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Quoth TheRaven
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Rating: 4.8

I can see when my eyes are open
I can feel when I reach out and touch
I can hear when my ears are willing
but my heart can only heal so much

Sunday, November 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: feeling,healing,hearing,heart
bri edwards 12 June 2021

i get the image of someone deep in 'the dumps', poor fella. : ( bri ;) p.s. signing in here still iffy. but i've noted several improvements in several areas of PH over past months recently. bri : )

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Unnikrishnan E S 24 December 2020

I can feel a heavy heart behind this beautifully executed poem.

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Susan Williams 24 December 2020

Beautiful rhythm and repetition that gives resonance to this melancholy piece and that last line was an excellent and heartbreaking closure, In other words, you have just written a perfect poem, my friend! Top marks and to my favorites

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Bernard F. Asuncion 23 December 2020

A well executed poem.... Truly pretty and impressive.....5 stars *****

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Khairul Ahsan 14 November 2020

All senses ultimately boil down to heart in the end.

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Quoth TheRaven

Quoth TheRaven

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Quoth TheRaven
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