Second Prime Poem by ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

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ONElia AVElar
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Second Prime

Rating: 3.5

Dig into pockets of the time,

take out all memories,

collected in your prime;

unzip the horizon

and let them slowly

through the line,

that separates apparently

the earth from sky.

The chance for second prime,

like two dawns for a day,

is maybe worth a try?

Original Unknown Girl 12 January 2009

Wise words Onelia. Lovely to see your name up on the 'new posts' again. I enjoyed this... especially the unzipping of the horizon. Most unique. HG: -) xx

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Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello 12 January 2009

Some thoughts for this fine poem as well as our dear author: 'Dig into pockets of the time' 'Vois se pencher les défuntes Années' BAUDELAIRE. ''The earth from sky' 'There are more things in heaven and hearth' SHAKESPEARE. 'Like two dawns for a day' 'I saw a new sky and a new earth' ISAIAH.

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Agree with Helen... lock stock and whole commentary barrel.. perfectly clever.. 'unzip of horizon'... yes also... a second prime.. split from a tertiary level thought bank of yours..... great to see your dawns......: ~)

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C. P. Sharma 13 January 2009

ONElia, One is the bubbling youth, The other is the golden truth. CP

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Indira Babbellapati 16 January 2009

i'm alwz obsessed with the horizon but never occured i should unzip it...mmm, woth the try!

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Ashraful Musaddeq 22 May 2009

'Dig into pockets of the time, take out all memories, collected in your prime; ' A beautiful poem. First three lines are wonderful. Nice imagery is used,10++ with pleasure.

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Naseer Ahmed Nasir 20 January 2009

A beautiful poem with brand new fresh imagery. There is always a chance of second chance in life. The first one is real and the second one is surreal. This poem itself reflects that second chance. Really good one Onelia.........10/10. Best Wishes Naseer

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Chitra - 19 January 2009

newer horizons unfold through these beacons..!

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sumaira 19 January 2009

Very stronge words.. Feel like a classic poem... Superb onelia..

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Donall Dempsey 19 January 2009

Dug into my pockets of superlatives but couldn't come up with something to match that great unzipping line. You will now be held responsible for all the people attempting to unzip an horizon. Back on top...form. Great poem great images and that great line. You are a prime number...I'm more an imaginary number! You are One to the power of two! Ave! Ave! love Dónall Dónall

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ONElia AVElar

ONElia AVElar

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ONElia AVElar
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