Seamstress Of Hope Poem by Patricia Gale

Patricia Gale

Patricia Gale

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Patricia Gale
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Seamstress Of Hope

Rating: 5.0

Angel of hope come to me
Mend my heart with golden thread
Weave your healing all around
In and out through my soul

Patches of love to cover the void
Made from the finest in the land
Tenderly spin me a new dream
One of love and hope in between

Cradle my heart
In finest silk
Softly and sensual to the touch
But strong for many years of wear

Show me with pride
Give me to one who will cherish
A slightly used but still useful heart
One that will keep them warm with love forever more

Patricia Wulf 24 April 2007

I love this poem so much! Since I was little I've wanted to learn to heal people, especially using plants and natural remedies. I also love to sew and design & make quilts!

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Nicola Burkett 09 April 2007

A beautiful blanket of golden silk you have created....Rich and vibrant and soft to the touch....Lovely Hugs NIX xx xx

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The finest silk pales in touch to your sateen verse! FJR

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Jim Foulk 31 March 2007

a beautiful piece of poetry you wrote patricia i give it a ten, i liked that way it really moved a long and the words just seemed to flow right a long also.

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Patricia Gale

Patricia Gale

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Patricia Gale
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