Run Don't Walk
You might read this as a cautionary measure
In regards as to where I'm running to
But a heads up here in regards to spiritualness
Just don't think that any religion will do
Your soul has a value that's eternal
And a costly price at that my friend
For it took your Creator to become a human being
And then to die upon a cross for all men
In life we live mostly by trial and error
And affix our affections by that scale
Our standard of living usually will dictate
Our success at it or how often we have failed
Time and chance happens to us all
Our attitude of gratitude is supreme
Don't be a tire kicker when things don't go your way
As being your way of letting off some steam
True contentment is an internal matter
What outwardly you do won't bring the change
For the true peace that passes understanding
Can only be brought about by invisible means
Can I recommend the Spirit of accommodation
The Spirit of Christ as a liberating Friend
He will supply most abundantly
When you come to find Salvation in Him
Now let's skip from religion to relationship
What religion went to the Cross for you
It wasn't an organizational facility
But the Son of Man hanging there for you
Your sin definetly needs an abandonment
Turn to the One who walks the talk
Repent of your sin be willing to turn to Him
And might I add...Run! Don't walk!
Hallelujah what a Saviour!
Copyright March 2820201: 15 AM
Gary James Smith
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem