Teacher poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best teacher poems ever written. Read all poems about teacher.
Chaos ruled OK in the classroom
as bravely the teacher walked in
the nooligans ignored him
his voice was lost in the din
A millionbillionwillion miles from home
Waiting for the bell to go. (To go where?)
Why are they all so big, other children?
So noisy? So much at home they
What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked down the
streets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon.
In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon fruit
Hey Father Death, I'm flying home
Hey poor man, you're all alone
Hey old daddy, I know where I'm going
Here's the rule for what to do
If ever your teacher has the flu
Or for some other reason takes to her bed
And a different teacher comes instead
'My teacher wasn't half as nice as yours seems to be.
His name was Mister Unsworth and he taught us history.
Homework! Oh, Homework!
I hate you! You stink!
I wish I could wash you away in the sink,
if only a bomb
Son, what will you do
If you are given three wishes from God?
The teacher stares at the 13 years old student
With a deep sigh
We believe in Marxfreudanddarwin.
We believe everything is OK
as long as you don't hurt anyone,
to the best of your definition of hurt,
I put my heart to school
In the world, where men grow wise,
'Go out,' I said, 'and learn the rule;
Come back when you win a prize.'
A bad teacher is negatively pessimistic
A good teacher is positively optimistic
A bad teacher swears all the time
Then said a teacher, 'Speak to us of Teaching.'
And he said:
Why I am being pushed to school?
For refining self and not looking fool,
To stay away from home and look cool,
Or to learn the system how to pass stool,
I was once a 'budding' ballerina,
With all the right outfits to wear,
There never was anyone keener,
I had point shoes and tutus to spare.
AN old man's thought of School;
An old man, gathering youthful memories and blooms, that youth itself
Quack, quack says the duck,
"Be wake of quack and the hulk.
Avoid avidity accept avid,
Play with good boy like David."
I walk among the rows of bowed heads--
the children are sleeping through fourth grade
so as to be ready for what is ahead,
the monumental boredom of junior high
Heav'n from all creatures hides the book of fate,
All but the page prescrib'd, their present state:
From brutes what men, from men what spirits know:
Or who could suffer being here below?
A BEST FRIEND-Makes a lunch trade with you even if he doesn't love peanut butter and jelly.
A BEST FRIEND-Notices you standing alone by the fence and invites you to play hockey with the rest of the class.
A BEST FRIEND-Chooses you to go camping with him each summer.
A BEST FRIEND-Puts chalk in the teacher's eraser so you're not the only
It was the last day of kindergarten for the year, and some of the students had brought presents for their beloved teacher.
One little girl had brought a brightly colored box. It was rather light in weight, and the teacher, knowing that the little girl's mother ran a florist shop, shook the package gently and asked, 'Is it flowers? '
'Yes! It IS flowers! ' exclaimed the little girl excitedly. 'However did you guess? '
The next package was a bit heavier and flatter, and the teacher, knowing that the parents of the little girl who had brought it ran a candy shop, shook the package gently and asked, 'Is it candy? '
Chapter 1
Do we no longer share anything of value?
Reminiscences 07
Ayisha Teacher
A Teacher I was,
a teacher to many students
from all over the world
as in many international schools I taught
The Teacher entered the classroom,
Everyone started to greet in loud voices,
The Teacher went straight to the blackboard and wrote:
Pravat Kumar Mandal
Teacher is the candle of the dark path
Treat not teacher
Like a servant.
Teacher can never be a servant.
A teacher is not only a teacher
But a father, a mother, a guide
A Precious gift by God is the Teacher,
The real truth behind a successful man, ,
He always teach us like father and mother,
My Teacher is my both-soul and brain,
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. PoemHunter.com contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.