Tuesday, December 26, 2006

*rubaiyat Of Invention And Innovation - After Edward Fitzgerald - Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam* Comments

Rating: 4.3

Please see notes BEFORE reading

Those only interested in the second part explanation on differences in female/male thoughtmodes may scroll down to the highlighted couplet below:
Read full text

Jack Sprat 15 January 2012

This is another one of my favorites of yours, Jonathan. As for the moving picture of the woman considering perspective - it seems we all spin in such circles at times, instead of moving forward into the light of the setting sun. As always, you leave much for your readers to absorb and contemplate, long after the reading is done. Your level of genius, dedication to the arts, efforts in producing & presenting such magnificent feats of literature have long left me in awe. Go ahead & show off your intellect as much as you choose to do. There are many of us who are constantly astounded by your talents & skills

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Roshni D'Souza 07 March 2009

The title initially got my attemtion, but I didn't think I could actually read the whole thing online. But after the first 4 stanzas, I was hooked and ended up printing it out to read. Managed to get through it amid of a myriad of mundane necessities that need to be done with re: to home and work. I am certainly not smart enough to make any kind of educated comment on it, but I gleaned from it so much more than I ever did in any of my college neurology/neurorehab courses. It might be an interesting way to look at how a left/right brain stroke affects behavioral outcomes/symptoms, etc. It also seemed to be a true labour of love. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and will definitely do so again!

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Ashraful Musaddeq 27 August 2008

Wonderful job you have done. I salute you and 10 for this.

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