Rowing Boat Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
follow poet
Aniruddha Pathak
Godhra - Gujarat
follow poet

Rowing Boat

A two-some sailed across the ocean,
Their boat never still in good motion,
Not sure if they were rowing,
Or only but quarrelling,
A case of motion marred oh by raw emotion!
The couple here sure took a rowing boat to sail across. But what is not clear is: what kind of rowing. They were lost between two double-edged puns! One, rowing, the other raw/row emotion!
Tongue-in-cheek | 24.08.2020 |
Topic: humour, boat, ocean

Thursday, September 10, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: boat,humour,ocean
Aniruddha Pathak 28 October 2020

Dear Bri, I see your point, but 'still' is not used here in that sense. But I do agree it confuses. 'But their boat never in good motion' would have been better. Your feedback is always welcome. Sorry, I'm responding so late.

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Bri Edwards 14 September 2020

twosome: " a pair of people considered together" " Their boat never still in good motion, " i'd put a comma after " still" , IF, by " still" , you mean " quiet/motionless" , and don't mean " continuing" . It's NOT a good idea to start out over an ocean under such conditions; a small pond or swimming pool is what i'd advise.

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Aniruddha Pathak 28 October 2020

Ooff! The foregoing feedback should have come here.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
follow poet
Aniruddha Pathak
Godhra - Gujarat
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