Rich Fool Poem by Daniel Partlow

Daniel Partlow

Daniel Partlow

St. Louis, MO > Westport, CT
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Daniel Partlow
St. Louis, MO > Westport, CT
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Rich Fool

There was a rich man whose land produced a bounteous haul.
He asked, what shall I do to store my grain for my barn is too small?

I will tear down my barn, and build vast silos for my wealth:
All my grain and goods will be stored and insure my lasting health.

I shall say to myself, you have stored up so very much,
Now rest, party, eat, drink, be merry, and such.

But God said to this proud contented man, You fool!
This night your life will be revoked. Think not me cruel,

For all the things you have prepared, to whom will they go?
Thus will it be for he who stores up things below.

Great treasures may be amassed and horded,
Without being rich in the truth that God afforded.

Therefore, do not worry about your life or your future savings
What will you eat or drink, your body any physical cravings.

Neither your wardrobe, No seek none of those
Life is much more than food, and the body more than cloths.

Consider even the ravens which neither sow the seed nor reap.
They have no store house or barn in which to keep.

Yet God feeds them, it is true.
How much more important than ravens are you?

Are not two sparrows sold for a little penny round
And He does not allow them to fall to the ground.

Think how much more valuable to Him are you
Than either of these birds, the black and the true.

Can any of you by worrying, add a moment to your span,
If even the smallest things in life are beyond your command.

So why be anxious about the rest –
Notice too how the flowers are blessed.

They do not toil or spin. But not even Solomon with his riches
When all their blooms come in, hath no finer robe, shirt or britches

If God so clothes the plants today and burns it up tomorrow
Will He not do much more for you? Oh you of little faith and sorrow.

Seek not your earthly provisions and live worry free.
All the nations of the world seek such endlessly.

But your Father knows everything that you need.
So seek his kingdom where you will be truly freed.

Let your heart journey to the place where He resides.
And all your necessities will be given you besides.

Be not afraid little flock, for your Father will with joy
Give the kingdom to every girl and boy.

Sell your worldly investments and treat as God has treated.
Establish a portfolio with Him which will never be depleted

Put your treasure somewhere truly smart.
For where it goes, so too will go your heart.


'I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free.
For His eye is on the sparrow, and He watches over me.'

Whitney Nicole Albright* 17 October 2008

Lovely, we need to write a Christian book.

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Daniel Partlow

Daniel Partlow

St. Louis, MO > Westport, CT
follow poet
Daniel Partlow
St. Louis, MO > Westport, CT
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