Reunion In Heaven Poem by Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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Reunion In Heaven

Rating: 5.0

Do not cry as I lay here dead
Do not sigh as my body lies in its bed,
There is no need for your bereft
I am no longer here, as my soul has left.
Now I reside on the other side of the clouds
Where there is no pain, or suffering, or shrouds,
I have went on to my promised and heavenly home
Never no-more, will I want to roam.
I will always remember each and every smile
And of course you will miss me, but only for a while,
Death is a guarantee for all men
One day I truly hope to meet and see you again.
I am now in the embrace of our Savior and Lord
The waters from everlasting life has been poured,
Your home as well is also being prepared
So, please do not be unfaithful, doubtful, or scared.
Look at me, but please do not shed a tear
Now in heaven with our Lord, I am now here,
My path to heaven has already been paved
Now for our reunion, I hope that you all are saved.

Randy L. McClave

Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: death,reunion
Kumarmani Mahakul 17 September 2019

Death is a guarantee for all men and the path of heaven is already set for every individual for renewal of life. An amazing poem is well penned.10

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Realist 17 September 2019

A well worked poem. Religion like poetry is created from zero. Some poems have heroes as do religions. For the dead to speak from imagination is beyond all belief. Even imagining it gives me a shudder.

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
follow poet
Randy McClave
Ashland, Kentucky
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