Monday, May 20, 2019

Rejection Comments

Rating: 5.0

Rejection is pain
pure and simple
impure and complicated
doesn't matter
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Susan Williams
Susan Williams 21 September 2020

Part Two- -I was talking about the heart being rejected by a lover or a friend or a family member- - it is a soul-damaging thing to happen, damning if happens over and over and over. The best salve is that found in forgiveness. Thank you my friend, I will come to you for more comforting words if my books get the thumbs down! ! ! !

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Susan Williams 21 September 2020

Part One- - Soran, I wasn't talking about that horrid kind of rejection! ! ! I haven't reached the point of finding an agent and waiting for the rejections slips... but the series will be published I tell myself.

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Soran M. H 17 September 2020

Do not worry, maybe publishing houses look at your novel from a profit or commercial perspective, and this is not evidence of its badness. I hope to see your name among international novelists.

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Susan Williams 14 September 2020

Thank you for liking my conclusion, Anjandev! ! ! It beats what some heartbroken people turn to! ! !

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Anjandev Roy 10 September 2020

Wisely written......great conclusion......thank u, dear poetess.....anjandev roy.

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Susan Williams 09 September 2020

Soran... I don't know what hurts worse [and I hope I never know] personal rejection or the publishing companies rejecting my novel series which pray God they will not do! ! ! but your comments took the sting out of any to come. :)

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Soran M. H 05 September 2020

and I doubt there is any relief from the hurt except the passage of time and the pen in a poet's hand.

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Soran M. H 05 September 2020

Rejections mostly is hurt and unpleasant, but some times the result turns into unexpected goodness, we do not know our future destiny, well it is true not all the time things would be under our control as we wish, but this is the life, when we live in dark then we appreciating the light more, really the theme in this wonderful poem is so unique and rare, it worth reading time after time, especially for whom has tasted bitter of rejections 10++10

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Susan Williams 22 July 2020

Robert M. Smith. Thank you for taking the time to delve deeper into this poem and comment on what you came up with. All input helps!

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Mj Lemon 22 May 2020

So much truth here, Susan. Lines 2 and 3 tell me nobody needs to understand a ''why.' The 'what'- the rejection- is all that needs to be felt to undergo the experience of the pain...Profound...a perfect 10!

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Susan Williams 23 May 2020

You understand so many of my poems and poems by others. It feels good to hear comments from a reader who delves and contemplates. Thank you for being here on PH, my friend

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Valsa George 19 March 2020

Rejection of all kinds bring pain to those who are rejected! It is true that no one is exempted and everyone has experienced it at one time or the other in life. It might take long to heal the hurt! If it is from a loved one, the pain lasts longer and it takes more time to heal and the scar may last forever. But the imaginative poet can easily get over it by practising his art. It is true in the case of every other creative artist. Rightly observed Susan!

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Susan Williams 21 March 2020

hey, Valsa! ! I'm glad you turned loose your sharply examining mind on this write. You always expand the horizons with your observations! ! ! !

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Edward Kofi Louis 05 January 2020

Rejection! ! ! Heartbreak, Pain! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Susan Williams 08 January 2020

rejection is such a part of life that it is as common as breathing

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Susan Williams 06 October 2019

Unnikrishnan E S- -my friend! ! thank you for your thoughts on this poem. I have to go to your poetry and see what you've been up to! I bet I find a beautiful jewel- I usually do!

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Susan Williams 06 October 2019

Muhammad Ali- I cannot reply in the reply box so I shall rebel against FB and post a thank you very much un the comment box instead! You are a very wise man as is revealed by your thoughts about this poem

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Susan Williams 31 May 2019

Someone wrote- - - > To my favourites. Pronto.- - - -Thank you

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Susan Williams 31 May 2019

Another wonderfully created poem. What an insightful treat.- - - Another comment that I received in my e-mail notifications. It is not posted below. But I would like to thank you and read a poem by you!

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Muhammad Ali 25 May 2019

Hi Susan. Yes Rejection is pain and none is exempt from it. Somehow, somewhere, sometimes... acceptance is the cure. Accept the variations, diversties. Accepting all response. Probably a pen in a poet's hand is filled with the ink of pain. Nice poem

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Susan Williams 06 October 2019

Thank you, Muhammad! !

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Unnikrishnan E S 24 May 2019

Hi Susan, Rejection, of course, inflicts the gravest of pains, absolutely. Very well said. And nobody is exempt from the pain of rejection. Not even gods. Any number of examples in the myths... And your discovery makes the icing on the cake: “I doubt there is any relief from the hurt Except passage of time and the poet’s pen”... Wonderful... a bouquet of tens...

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Susan Williams 06 October 2019

You deserve a bouquet of friendship flowers!

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Breeze 21 May 2019

10S A very heart touching poem, may the pen always release the heart so it may always find the beauty of the mornings light. May angels always surround.

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Rebecca Navarre 29 May 2019

I second, breezes reply! ..

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tom billsborough 21 May 2019

Writing can heal to some extent but it is no magician's wand we wield! Great poem, Susan

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Susan Williams 20 June 2019

If it were, it would be a billionaire's pen! ! ! But at least we can write it out of our situation! ! ! ! !

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