Vaibhav Pandey

Vaibhav Pandey

new delhi
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Vaibhav Pandey
new delhi
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Monday, March 2, 2009

Reflection Comments

Rating: 5.0

I used to stare at strangers
strolling in serenity with
hatred heavy on my heart.
The reasons, repentant,
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Vaibhav Pandey
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Chinedu Dike 26 October 2021

An introspective rendition nicely crafted with conviction. Well expressed thoughts and feelings....

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Eyan Desir 07 November 2009

Well crafted...good job.............

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moribund love 24 October 2009

very well said. finely penned.10+

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Sandra Martyres 29 August 2009

An excellent poem Vaibhav....on our own relection and introspection....

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Shalini Sundararamalingam 28 August 2009

nice poem, reflection! strong topic to be written..

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Sarwar Chowdhury 28 August 2009

great indeed this reflective wording! I must read you from now on! 10+

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Ted M 26 August 2009

True we see in others, what we actually are. Great introspective write..........10

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Nikunj Sharma 05 August 2009

U r right, its only our reflection that comes back more often, only it changes garb everytime...

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fleur de lys 28 July 2009

Another fine lyric; you display impressive wisdom in one so young, I urge you to keep writing and nurture your God given gift.

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Vidi Writes 25 April 2009

This poem reminds me this - 'By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; And third, by experience, which is the most bitter.” Hats off for this noble reflection. No wonder it got so many readers. Thank you for this good write.

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Meggie Gultiano 01 April 2009

wow, this is wonderful.A deserving piece to be on top..Love it. Hugs, Meggie

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Susan Bagley 18 March 2009

Wow, this is profound. You see what I told you earlier about your being so deep for your age. So was I. It is what poets need to be. A poet has a happy lighter happy childlike side and a deep philisophocal side and a romantic side and even a dark side. YOu expressed this nicely and I like it very much, I like for a poem to make me think 'I've been there, I know how he feels'. Nice job Susan

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Mark R Slaughter 18 March 2009

Great piece Vaibhav - you describe well your mind's introspection. Mark

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Sebastine Humaemo 16 March 2009

too good..........lines done n a poignant way.........te way yu strtd t poem made me to admire t more............classic........10+++ sebastine...

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Rajkumar Mukherjee 15 March 2009

Dear Vaibhav, Good controlled expression. We need to retrospect within us only then we find a balanced judgement.Nice little poem Keep on writing. best of luck-Rajkumar 9

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Subbaraman N V 15 March 2009

Great thought! Great expression!

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Alison Cassidy 15 March 2009

This little parable has wisdom and humility in abundance. A beautiful expression of the transformation that self-reflection can bring. Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Bob Blackwell 14 March 2009

Well said, anger is always the undoing of man.

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Rajaram Ramachandran 13 March 2009

The face is the index of the mind, as your 'Reflection' comes out with this truth.

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Short, cute and reflective. Introspection always digs out the negatives from within and gradually weed them out. A great job.

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Vaibhav Pandey

Vaibhav Pandey

new delhi
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Vaibhav Pandey
new delhi
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