I used to stare at strangers
strolling in serenity with
hatred heavy on my heart.
The reasons, repentant,
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An excellent poem Vaibhav....on our own relection and introspection....
nice poem, reflection! strong topic to be written..
great indeed this reflective wording! I must read you from now on! 10+
True we see in others, what we actually are. Great introspective write..........10
U r right, its only our reflection that comes back more often, only it changes garb everytime...
Another fine lyric; you display impressive wisdom in one so young, I urge you to keep writing and nurture your God given gift.
This poem reminds me this - 'By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; And third, by experience, which is the most bitter.” Hats off for this noble reflection. No wonder it got so many readers. Thank you for this good write.
wow, this is wonderful.A deserving piece to be on top..Love it. Hugs, Meggie
Wow, this is profound. You see what I told you earlier about your being so deep for your age. So was I. It is what poets need to be. A poet has a happy lighter happy childlike side and a deep philisophocal side and a romantic side and even a dark side. YOu expressed this nicely and I like it very much, I like for a poem to make me think 'I've been there, I know how he feels'. Nice job Susan
Great piece Vaibhav - you describe well your mind's introspection. Mark
too good..........lines done n a poignant way.........te way yu strtd t poem made me to admire t more............classic........10+++ sebastine...
Dear Vaibhav, Good controlled expression. We need to retrospect within us only then we find a balanced judgement.Nice little poem Keep on writing. best of luck-Rajkumar 9
This little parable has wisdom and humility in abundance. A beautiful expression of the transformation that self-reflection can bring. Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The face is the index of the mind, as your 'Reflection' comes out with this truth.
Short, cute and reflective. Introspection always digs out the negatives from within and gradually weed them out. A great job.
An introspective rendition nicely crafted with conviction. Well expressed thoughts and feelings....