Pain poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best pain poems ever written. Read all poems about pain.
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses
your understanding.
There is a pain within this heart,
My pain within my sadness through my eyes,
My eyes are like a burden that you can see right through me,
No pain I ever felt was that one single broken heart that had been left behind and never got a chance to be healed,
And a woman spoke, saying, 'Tell us of Pain.'
And he said:
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
You say that you have felt pain?
You have no idea what pain is.
Pain is hearing, “She doesn’t
like you anymore.” WHAT?
these tears i shed will never go away
the tears that fall, will remind me of that pain
the pain of loss is what i speak
the pain that made me fall to my knees
The tenth day, and they give
my mirror back. Who knows
how to drink pain, and live?
I look, and the glass shows
light enlightens gallows of darkness
truth is stark reality by flow idyll
we do exist today by non-existence tomorrow
iffy dream lays back to happen by desire
the pain that you feel,
but cant touch.
a pain you know of,
but cant explain
Pain over here pain over there
Pain in my heart pain in my soul
Pain in my mind
collapsed in tears of pain
so lost in heavy confusion
how did things get so messed up
Please help me now is all i can say
Pre text: - 'PAIN - ALMANAC'
Pain and pleasure are but pluri-potent modalities
in existential and phenomenal world. To denounce them is
Tears the mind can't tell are true,
Pain the heart can't share.
Anger wrapped up in deceit,
It's more than I can bear.
They talk of short-lived pleasure--be it so--
Pain dies as quickly; stern, hard-featured pain
Expires, and lets her weary prisoner go.
The fiercest agonies have shortest reign;
Great art does seem most to flourish
Where there is great pain to nourish
Perhaps pain never falls asleep
pain surrounds you day to day
nothing helps it go away
pain in muscles pain in joints
pain so bad in trigger points.
There was a doctor of death
a maker of pain
all he ever said
was don't play games
I feel your pain
The pain in losing someone so close to us,
The pain in losing someone so dear to us
Knowing that they were just right here with us
Wind and hail and veering rain,
Driven mist that veils the day,
Soul's distress and body's pain,
I would bear you while I may.
"Delightful are trees and fields with the outgrowth of new tender-leaves and crops, Lodhra trees are with their blossomy flowers, crops of rice are completely ripened, but now lotuses are on their surcease by far, for the dewdrops are falling... hence, this is the time of pre-winter that drew nigh...
"The busts of flirtatious women that are graced by bosomy bosoms are bedaubed and reddened with the redness of heart-stealing saffrony skincare, called Kashmir kumkum, on which embellished are the white pendants that are in shine with the whiteness of whitish dewdrops, white jasmines, and whitely moon...
I know why we do it
there are all different reasons
for some it is the blood
for some it is the release
there is an intensity of pain
pain too great to endure
pain so intense it becomes finality
pain at apex tipping point
pass pain abuse finality point tipping point
saturation tipping point may climax
in finality numb to all pain
pain will come/ will it stay will it live
pain will come/ will it stay will it leave
pain will come/ will it leave by the door
pain will come/ will it leave by the window
pain over here pain over there pain in my heart pain in my soul pain in my hands pain in my toes pain been caused by the people we love most pain at home pain at school pain in my room pain in my shower pain every minute pain every hour pain everywhere i go now i cannot feel pain anymore.
Cheers to the pain that will Define someone else.
Cheers to the pain while in sickness or in health
Cheers to the pain that will fight you to the end
Cheers for the pain that will start when you begin
Sometimes, I used to think of you in prison, And tears utter what I feel and think of you; O, beloved thine (Haaba) maketh me feel of How soul is prisoned in evil body. Everyone was laughing at me, for nothing.Still you were smiling at me, for everything; In every cry, in every Tear, thou came close to me; in every pain, They adore my pain, And you cried like it was thine pain; when in slept thou came in my dreams and utter in my ears; your pain is my pain, your smile is my smile.
Will the Pain and the Pain killer
decide to separate now?
They were in deep love for sometime
They used their hearts and minds
Pain and pleasure are the glow that garnish the globe.
Oh my pain, you have brought a bond that has knitted all my friends and family together.
Oh my pain, I tried to take a painkiller knowing that you may not be a pleasurable experience to me, but you have built my pleasure in ways that pleasure alone simply couldn't achieve.
Pain was once simple
Pain became hard to handle
Pain was feeling everything all at once
Pain was 'not enough', 'try harder' and 'be better'
Idk I where to start need to write it all down, before it slips my mind, finally got the courage to tell you how I feel, it hurts So much because you put me though such pain, all this never ending pain, so much hurt and anger, idk where to turn, I'm lost I've never done this on my own, you said you loved me but never showed me, your momma said you the typa guy to not show, I ain't neva believe her, I bushed it off, brushed it off like it ain't matter, now I'm sitting here all alone not knowing what to do I'm in so much pain, so much hurt, all this never ending pain, little by little you pushed me away, let me slip away, outta your hands, it's no longer in your control, you tell me not to cry, you say I made my choice, I ain't crying because of you, I'm crying for myself, can't believe the pain, can't believe I let you hold me down for so long, always doing everything for everyone but myself, loosin myself, second by second, day by day, now years are passing, always making everyone happy, never myself, I can't take it anymore, the growing pain, as the never ending pain, I've had enough, it's done and all said, I had to let you know how I feel, how can someone be with one they can't love, all the pain that person put them through, endless black holes, oh damn she's about to break, she's had enough of her never ending pain, no one said it's gonna be easy, to get through the hurt, she gotta go through the pain, before those better days, it's about time she puts herself 1st, and let go of all that never ending pain, it's time for her to radiate, shine like the stars in the sky, she about to put her self on a pedi stool, come one baby girl you a queen, straighten your crown cause you got this handled ❣️❣️❣️🥺🥺🥺
Wrote this truly from the heart based on real life experience
Pain is a feeling that all of us hate to have or even experience. But we all know very well that this feeling makes us much stronger and helps us overcome tough challenges in the future. Pain is sometimes a lesson that teaches us the right from the wrong. Some people even see it as a blessing that shows us the mistakes that led to this pain and encourages us to be more careful in our life. Many poets have written poems about "pain" such as "On Pain" by Khalil Gibran, "After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes" by Emily Dickinson, and "Pain In Pleasure" Elizabeth Barrett Browning.