Moon poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best moon poems ever written. Read all poems about moon.
Amongst the flowers I
am alone with my pot of wine
drinking by myself; then lifting
my cup I asked the moon
The Moon will shine,
Without your smile,
But no longer shall it be,
A Moon that shines for me,
I take my wine jug out among the flowers
to drink alone, without friends.
I raise my cup to entice the moon.
As the Sun withdrew his rays from the garden, and the moon threw cushioned beams upon the flowers, I sat under the trees pondering upon the phenomena of the atmosphere, looking through the branches at the strewn stars which glittered like chips of silver upon a blue carpet; and I could hear from a distance the agitated murmur of the rivulet singing its way briskly into the valley.
Amidst the flowers a jug of wine,
I pour alone lacking companionship.
So raising the cup I invite the Moon,
Then turn to my shadow which makes three of us.
The moon on the one hand, the dawn on the other:
The moon is my sister, the dawn is my brother.
The moon on my left and the dawn on my right.
My brother, good morning: my sister, good night.
translated by Will Kirkland
The moon came into the forge
in her bustle of flowering nard.
Strange fits of passion have I known:
And I will dare to tell,
But in the lover's ear alone,
What once to me befell.
From where I lingered in a lull in March
outside the sugar-house one night for choice,
I called the fireman with a careful voice
And bade him leave the pan and stoke the arch:
The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The moon whispered to the sea,
'Tell me your deepest secrets.'
And the sea, with its waves dancing,
Revealed tales of lost ships,
'I thought you loved me.' 'No, it was only fun.'
'When we stood there, closer than all?' 'Well, the harvest moon
Was shining and queer in your hair, and it turned my head.'
'That made you?' 'Yes.' 'Just the moon and the light it made
A poem should be palpable and mute
As a globed fruit
Though nurtured like the sailing moon
In beauty's murderous brood,
She walked awhile and blushed awhile
And on my pathway stood
So we'll go no more a-roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart still be as loving,
And the moon still be as bright.
At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.
whatever slid into my mother's room that
late june night, tapping her great belly,
summoned me out roundheaded and unsmiling.
is this the moon, my father used to grin.
What have you got in your knapsack fair,
White moon, bright moon, pearling the air,
Spinning your bobbins and fabrics free,
Fleet moon, sweet moon, in to the sea?
Inspired by 5 set Conversation pieces: Christine Borland
5 separate sculptures
5 common birthing positions
5 babies' heads in 5 female pelvises
My rice-moon
Gajanan Mishra
Come on, I love you,
Oh agelessly ageing moon, tell me who
And who're all in love with you my dear moon
Forgetting that you're quite old and too aged
About The Full Harvest Moon Now….
This is not a poem,
but my testimony to God's Great Miracle (again? !)
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These are my translations of some of the oldest Japanese waka, which evolved into poetic forms such as tanka, renga and haiku over time. My translations begin with excerpts from the Kojiki or 'Record of Ancient Matters' composed around 711 A.D. by the historian and poet Ō no Yasumaro. These are lines from one of the oldest Japanese poems, found in the oldest Japanese book...
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Respected Poetess Madam
Poetic Lotus (काव्य कमल)Savita Tyagi
[Note: This review letter is World Poetry Day Special Comprehensive Review on date 21st March 2019 and Gift given on Occasion of Happy Holi Celebration for date 22nd March 2019]
After Harvest Moon comes Hunter's Moon. This is also called Traveler's Moon, because it is time to move our camp to the riverside. Like Brother Bear we want to grow a layer of fat and prepare to pass the winter. In this hectic time our young ones amuse us with their antics, so this month is also called Young Beast Moon.
After that comes Frost Moon; some people call it Scraping-Hides Moon. Our womenfolk are so busy that their hands almost fall off, otherwise we would have nothing to wear and eat.
Many classic and contemporary poets have written about the moon. Some of them described the charm of it, and others saw in it their beloved ones. On, you can read the best poems about the moon such as "To the Moon" poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, "The Moon" by Robert Louis Stevenson, and "Evening Song" by Jean Toomer. Enjoy reading the best poems about the first milestone on the road to the stars.