Rainbow Love... Poem by Cosmic Dreamer

Cosmic Dreamer

Cosmic Dreamer

The Cosmos...
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Cosmic Dreamer
The Cosmos...
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Rainbow Love...

Rating: 4.5

Spring showers advance with darkened sky,
They don't last long and soon they die.
Puddles of liquid life left upon my lawn,
Mother earth drinks her fill and soon they're gone.

I raise my head to gaze into the sky,
I watch the grey clouds as they float by.
My eyes are drawn to a brilliant arc of coloured light,
A rainbow is always such a wonderous sight.

With yellows and greens, reds and blues,
Indigo, violet and sparkling golden hues.
This brilliant arc stands out against dark skies,
A gift to the soul witnessed through the eye's.

As I watch the rainbow streak across the skies,
I recall a myth that rainbows end holds a prize.
It's a fairytale that has been long told,
That rainbows mark a pot of shining gold.

The moral of this tale is here for all to hold,
The true wealth we seek is not made of gold.
The love and care of those we hold so dear,
Is the treasure we should seek to hold so near...

Spread the love... The peace will follow...

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Cosmic Dreamer

Cosmic Dreamer

The Cosmos...
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Cosmic Dreamer
The Cosmos...
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