Quitter Poem by Gary Diamond

Gary Diamond

Gary Diamond

Portsmouth, UK
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Gary Diamond
Portsmouth, UK
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If you can't get along in this life
Fucking quit.

Because we're all quitting.
Apart from the top percentile
We're all wasting, leeching critters
Made of and spreading and spouting bullshit
Until true devils appear.

They are us.
We are the cancer
We are the disease.
We create the cure -
A nuke, a dirty bomb, a human killing microbe
And we're too chickenshit
To release it.

We escape all our problems
Drown them in alcholic poison
Put off what could have been solved yesterday
Until next week.
We all slowly degrade into
Bad photocopies of our pure childlike form.

We complicate everything simple
We underestimate every true and decent challenge.
We strain and struggle to obtain
Everything that is bullshit.
We jet around our planet to visit it
Yet destroy it with the carbon footprint
Why are we doing that?

Why don't we lay down and quit
Like junkies on the final overdose
Why don't we see if there's any substance
In this God myth
In this afterlife ruse.

All we have to do is choose
All you have to do is choose
Speak out against what you hate
Even if it costs you a tooth
Even if it costs you an arm and a leg
Because killing your soul in degrees
Is not really a solution
It's a form of quitting.

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Gary Diamond

Gary Diamond

Portsmouth, UK
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Gary Diamond
Portsmouth, UK
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