Queen Victoria Poem by Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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Paula Glynn
Essex, Britain
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Queen Victoria

Where are you God?
While I burn in hell,
Underneath the reign,
Of Queen Victoria,
Day and night,
Night and day,
Queen Victoria,
With wrongs and rights,
Underneath those brutal nights,
Criminals on the loose,
These Queen Victorian days,
Where the dark lord,
Tricks and betrays,
My soul his slave,
And I wish to be brave,
Strong and all powerful,
Under the reign of Queen Victoria,

Those Victorian days and nights gone,
Yet still I sit in the prison,
The dark lord who is strong,
For I was the scorpion,
Now I am the frog,
Those Queen Victorian nights in the fog,
For I have lived and lost,
My freedom gone,
For crimes have cost,

My soul lost somewhere,
Maybe in hell or limbo,
For I try to scream,
But instead face quiet,
Yet brutal dreams,
Of those memories,
Of the dark lord,
And to me he did draw his sword,
Just as a highwayman,
Seeking those horse drawn carriages,
And threatening with crime,
Their actions never forgotten with time,

But I had been the same,
Yet no one knows,
But I have been a fool,
And it always shows,
Having been here before,
Crimes I now deplore,
But I have lost and won,
And of time gone,
My soul is free of heat and flames,
Along a road hard and time consuming,
My shoes now weary of the pain,
I cannot be that person anymore,
That criminal Queen Victoria did deplore,

But I am alone in history,
I am alone to face those memories,
But maybe I'll have another chance,
Maybe I can learn from the past,
Seek God in the future,
Seek a release from evil and pain,
No longer to burn in the flames,

Queen Victoria long gone,
But I am still here,
The 21st century with some fear,
But a new century nevertheless,
Where I fight to belong,
And fight to seek redemption,
Leaving the dark lord behind,
Where my pain once left me blind,

But now with god I stand beside,
Love in my heart,
Love in my soul and mind,
Where my eyes see glorious colours,
And I am never blind,
Even memories are just that,
Memories no longer dominating my soul,
For I am George W. Bush,
With a heart so big is swallows people whole,
And now I am brave, strong and always bold.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: reincarnation
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Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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Paula Glynn
Essex, Britain
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