Power Conferred By Money Poem by Julius Babarinsa

Julius Babarinsa

Julius Babarinsa

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Julius Babarinsa
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Power Conferred By Money

Rating: 2.4

It is a fact that human beings cannot live without money
People go to work everyday because of money
The more money we have the greater the influence
The more influence we have the greater the control
The more control we have the greater the power
Therefore with lots of money, we acquire power
We classify some people as rich, affluent and prosperous
This is because they have lots and lots of money
By the way - what is this power conferred by money?
In other words - how powerful is money?
Several people agree that money is everything
Lack of money can lead to divorce
Labour unions will go on strike for money
Political campaign is doomed without money
Businesses close down when they have no money
Consultants sell their services for money
Without money we cannot acquire any property
In some countries, access to superior medical services
Is not possible if you do not have lots of money
Also in a number of societies, the caliber of education
You can have depends on how wealthy your parents are
To have money power is to have authority
Oh! Money, what are we going to do without you?
Many believe that money talks everywhere
Whoever has more money makes the loudest noise
The power conferred by money turn few people
To be labeled as the movers and shakers
Does this mean that the poor have less power?
Take a closer look at the society in general
The answer is everywhere and in all places

Poetry Hound 28 December 2004

Pretty obvious stuff, my friend.

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Julius Babarinsa

Julius Babarinsa

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Julius Babarinsa
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