Poetry In The Park (Acrostic) Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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Kim Barney
I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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Poetry In The Park (Acrostic)

Rating: 5.0

Poetry in the park,
Organized by my sister
Every year on her birthday.
Tradition it has become.
Radiant were the faces there.
You really should have come.

I read two of my poems.
Nobody read more than three.

Thann was there in his cowboy hat.
He read two of his cowboy poems.
Everyone thought they were great.

Punch and cookies were provided.
A record number showed up this year.
Really was enjoyable.
Kids even participated.

Poetry In The Park (Acrostic)
Friday, June 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,people,poem,poems,poet,poetess,poetic expression,poetry,poets
Every year on her birthday, my sister sponsors Poetry in the Park. She tries to hold it at a different park each year in different cities and even other counties than her home county. She invites all who want to participate to bring some of their own poems to read, or poems by others. This year she had a record number that showed up, although not quite as many as shown in the picture. Speaking of pictures, my camera was sitting in my car, and I was having so much fun, I didn't think to go get it and take pictures of all the participants while they were giving their poems. Had I done so, I would have posted a picture of Thann in his cowboy hat. Thann used to actually ride the rodeo circuit. I had no idea he also wrote poetry. His cowboy poetry was really good! Two of my sister's daughters surprised her by showing up unannounced, with maybe a half dozen of her many grandchildren. One of her daughters sang a song that another daughter had written as a poem, and then the second daughter had added music to it. She then sang another song of her own composition. I had heard both songs before, as I own a CD on which my niece has recorded the songs, among others. Poetry in the Park was held this year at the park in Richfield, Utah, on 400 West just off of Main Street. It was held on my sister's birthday,22 June 2016. Poem posted 24 June 2016.
Sandra Feldman 24 June 2016

Nice to hear It was free of political atmosphere. Poetry may calm the stupid beast That is the political fraud, That now exists.

8 0 Reply
Kelly Kurt 25 June 2016

I would relish such an event. Lucky to have such a sibling

7 0 Reply
Kim Barney 05 July 2023

Sadly, My sister has now discontinued her tradition of poetry in the park. Last year, only one other person showed up, so this year she did not have it at all.

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Cowboy Ron Williams 21 January 2022

What a wonderful event! I wish I had a sister like that... and I would have loved to meet Thann, another cowboy like me!

3 0 Reply
Grace Diane Jessen 02 July 2021

Love this acrostic poem. Good job!

4 0 Reply
Kim Barney 30 June 2021

Sadly, Thann passed away last week. His funeral was Saturday.

5 0 Reply
Douglas Scotney 14 May 2020

Everyone thought they were great - at least none grated.... Even kids participated

7 0 Reply
Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
follow poet
Kim Barney
I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
follow poet
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