Poetic Emotions Poem by Miracle Bitrus

Miracle Bitrus

Miracle Bitrus

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Miracle Bitrus
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Poetic Emotions

Rating: 4.5

Beautiful like the rose the snow falls,
Even in blues my heart pause
With wonder

Am not the myth of words
But my manuscript keeps the note
Of my quotes like
My picture portrait that hank on my wall

Have you ever marveled how the earth work,
Nor the redden in the sky
Miraculous it is
But the creation is beautiful.

Poetic emotions my heart flows
Like the ocean of the red sea
I feel void but the trays of luck give me glee
The innovative era is born like a born new baby.

Am sick like the wick and yet am wick like the sick
But countryside gives me hills to battle for my heirloom
Poetic Greek am not Rome but Nigerian

Poetic emotions
who am i

Poetic Emotions
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: emotions
Jazib Kamalvi 20 August 2017

Write comment. Great start, Bitrus. You may like to read my poem, Love and Lust. Thanks

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Chinedu Dike 15 August 2017

Beautiful poem, well articulated and insightfully brought forth with conviction. Thanks for sharing Miracle.

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Miracle Bitrus 16 August 2017

am well pleased by your words chinedu and am grateful as well #i_appreciate

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Gajanan Mishra 09 August 2017

myth of words - heart pause.

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Miracle Bitrus 16 August 2017

its not me my dear friend but your words alone inspire me to write more am grateful

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Miracle Bitrus

Miracle Bitrus

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Miracle Bitrus
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