Please, Only In Your Dreams Poem by Mark Heathcote

Mark Heathcote

Mark Heathcote

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Mark Heathcote
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Please, Only In Your Dreams

Farewell to War, a good poetry theme
I'm sure, but to be quite candid
And completely honest, how else
Will they continue to control us, the masses?
And when all else fails, Air Raid sirens will call.

Isn't apathy the mechanism of the machine?
Isn't fear generated to control?
War's dark shadow stretches far and wide
The watermark isn't even at that floodgate.

As people, we're not even allowed to vent
Or to gather in numbers many
Unless it's an organised licensed event
Tax-paid to some corrupt government official.

Farewell to War, farewell, farewell to your clothes
Farewell to your loved ones
Farewell to your darling homes, farewell to War,
Farewell to prophets and payer books
Please, only in your dreams.

Apathetic dreams while paying taxes to the Marines
For nuclear submarines with amphibious tears
It takes feats of bravery to never fall in line
To be a conscientious objector and never,
And never have blood on your hands.

Sin is an endless pit ladder.
Why are-you-always-crying?
Why is someone always dying?
Don't you want to be my friend?
Sin is an endless pit ladder.
A battlefield, a carcass putrefying
I don't want to speak to be oversimplifying.
But you and they can't hold everything in.
That's why there's so many people dying
Don't want to be your friend in the end?

Mark Heathcote

Mark Heathcote

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Mark Heathcote
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