Lonely poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best lonely poems ever written. Read all poems about lonely.
What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked down the
streets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon.
In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon fruit
Snow falling and night falling fast, oh, fast
In a field I looked into going past,
And the ground almost covered smooth in snow,
But a few weeds and stubble showing last.
One heavy day I ran away from the grim face of society and the dizzying clamor of the city and directed my weary step to the spacious alley. I pursued the beckoning course of the rivulet and the musical sounds of the birds until I reached a lonely spot where the flowing branches of the trees prevented the sun from the touching the earth.
I stood there, and it was entertaining to my soul - my thirsty soul who had seen naught but the mirage of life instead of its sweetness.
The Moon will shine,
Without your smile,
But no longer shall it be,
A Moon that shines for me,
All the birds have flown up and gone;
A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.
Above us, stars. Beneath us, constellations.
Five billion miles away, a galaxy dies
like a snowflake falling on water. Below us,
some farmer, feeling the chill of that distant death,
He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
If I when my wife is sleeping
and the baby and Kathleen
are sleeping
and the sun is a flame-white disc
Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days
Lonely am I, in so many ways
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar
I must go down to the sea again,
to the lonely sea and the sky;
I left my shoes and socks there -
I wonder if they're dry?
The little boy lost in the lonely fen,
Led by the wandering light,
Began to cry, but God, ever nigh,
Appeared like his father, in white.
Poems without readers
Are like lonely wallflowers
On the wide dance floor.
Alone but not lonely
Broke yet not poor
Down, yet not out
Smiling, but not laughing
Goin' down the road, Lawd,
Goin' down the road.
Down the road, Lawd,
Way,way down the road.
Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here,
there's no one left to torture
Lonely is just one word chosen to represent so much
To tell of feelings inside that the senses cannot touch
Lonely can be in the teardrops on a bereaved person's cheek
A single fir-tree, lonely,
on a northern mountain height,
sleeps in a white blanket,
draped in snow and ice.
The lonely soul wanders
Alone in the walks of life
No other soul as his companion
The lonely soul wanders
It's a lonely road I travel down
I walk the stones without a sound
So quiet that I learned this song
It's all I know anymore
Lonely friend
Lonely even with enough crowds
Lonely friend
Lonely even with major doubts
there are people who think believe
that people who live alone must be lonely
lonely in a lonely empty house
some who live alone especially in old age
A man is truly happy being alone
Seldom does he ever moan,
His life of being alone is only his
He feels and maintains total bliss.
February 2019 Showcase Of Poems From Here & There …[ Sharing Poem Hunter Poems With You! ; Topics Are: " Lonely "& "Butterfly" & Assorted Others ]
When I have had ‘bad words' with the one I dearly Love,
thoughts of loneliness may {at my injured mind} Shove,
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. PoemHunter.com contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.