Problems poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best Problems poems ever written. Read all poems about Problems.
Unseen air comes in and gets out of us
Doing some seen internal vital works
Supplying oxygen and removing poisons
Are among those life saving necessaries
The sun is smiling as I open my eyes
Birds serenading the awoken sky.
I watch from my window the sun climbing a hill
Spreading its glimmer so beautiful.
I hate myself for this
I hate this person I've become
I hate who I am and who I thought I would never be
I hate my father for making me this way
A 10-letter word,
Easy to utter,
Slithers, oh so easily, down the throat,
If you're looking for a shoulder to rest your head
Then please, I'm your man.
If you're feeling that your loads to heavy to carry
For every storm there is a room
And find the palace now,
From deserts are a tomb and gloom,
Where clothes must just allow.
Our comet with a fiery tail
moves slowly as it enters
heavens doors, to illuminate
the way to peace, the bliss,
So many dreams, so many goals, so much potential.
I was suppose to be great, I was suppose to be a success,
I was suppose to something. I was brought up to be a strong man.
These simple problems was not suppose to phase me.
Barack Obama you are great,
I am amazed, US celebrates;
So long show piece statue,
Liberty’s soul you liberate.
why am I never enough?
why is it that anything I do is never right?
Let dainty wits cry on the sisters nine,
That, bravely mask'd, their fancies may be told;
Or, Pindar's apes, flaunt they in phrases fine,
I don’t need your anger
or your hate
and I sure don’t need your temper
I have my own
Whenever I write
I am sad, you cry
I am happy, you laugh
I am in distress, you share my problems
Health is our most precious wealth, I hope you agree
No doubt, health is the sweetest fruit of our life’s tree.
When, on a novel's newly printed page
We find a maudlin eulogy of sin,
I am my own problem
I am my only solution
I start to fix everything
but then
We seem to be living in a flawed
World, of conditioned existence,
Of tackling gritty here-and-now
Problems of work or life problems,
A friend is someone who understands and
someone you can trust.
They will listen to you both night and day without ever making a fuss.
Let money be thy servant, not Master;
So, put thy wealth in use for mankind's sake;
Let progress come for fellowmen, faster;
What profits come if genuine, thou may take.
Problems, Problems are everywhere
My life is in such a mess
I feel so sad and miserable
With worry, anxiety and stress
This big world around us is but, a big balloon That a small and pretty pin might flat it immediately Because our world is one-eyed, one-eared, and no mouth at all, Our world is not able to see well, so It needs an eye doctor to fix its eye sight, Our world is not able to hear well, so It needs a hearing doctor to diagnose its hearing problem, Our world's pretty
I have problems, and you have problems
Let's make problems with our problems
When I'm the problem you're the problem
But we know where the problem for one another
Obviously, this is not an article That I wrote,
but as we try to better our understanding of what made us what it is that we are,
we must, at least some of us must, come to the realization
that as either a parent or the child of a parent
problems can be resolved
problems can be cured
problems can be mean
problems can hurt
Problems, problems, problems,
We get them every day,
When we think we’ve solved them,
Yet more problems come our way.
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.