Piano Player Poem by Elizabeth Shield

Piano Player

Piano player take my by the hand
And tell me how galaxies revolve
With starry arms and nebulous fingers
Etched in your mind
Piano player play for me
The music of the planets turning
And songs of solar flares
With cosmic voices between each ivory key
Play just for me

And tell me about Einstein and his laws
Whom you admire
Speak of gravity and magnetism
Hold me in the palms of your hands
Tell me of beginnings and of ends
Piano player bring me to gentle tears
When raw emotion flows
And your eyes close
Strong fingers telling tales of glorious things
Why are you so big and yet so small
So mindful of the larger things
And simple in your ways

Piano player tell me why you love
The universe and all her shining children
How you travel there and back again
But never leave
And how your music melts me
It's so like you piano player
To take me by surprise
Piano player open up my eyes
Teach me to play and to amaze
So when I meet your gaze
Mine will be as deep
And as starry as yours

Step forth, piano player
Yours will be greatness
Unfathomable songs of lights
A strong, warm-handed love
And destiny
Oh, piano player,
Take me by the hand
And seat me at your side
Play just for me
And love me with your mind

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