Painful Love Poem by Chrishtiana Reed

Chrishtiana Reed

Chrishtiana Reed

Twin Falls Idaho
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Chrishtiana Reed
Twin Falls Idaho
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Painful Love

Rating: 3.3

All i can think aabout is he is, if he is in trouble, if he is hurt, who he is with, or if he still even loves me. i dont understand why i cant stop thinking about him. i mean after all the pain and heartache he caused me. it makes no sence to me after all he put me through. but it seems like he keeps coming back like a cold or a flue.
Can anyone tell me why, why this is so hard, why he is all that is on my mind, why i could care and love for a heartbreaker? it hurts! itr hurts real badly; it hurts not having him, hearing his voice, not bering able to talk to him. but at the same time it hurts having him, talking to him, hearing his voice. i am afraid! i am afraid i will lose him, never be able to see or hear him. but yet i am afraid i am going to get hurt.
What can i do? i cant take this feeling anymore. i think it may be killing me inside. i know i am feeling something going on inside of me, something deep, and something painful.What is it? can yopu tell me? can you answer any of my questions? can you help? or will these feelings just keep coming and going? will i be stuck like this for a while? p[lease... i need to know, i need to know why, i need to know the truth.

Romeo Della Valle 18 April 2011

Where you are right now I was many times, sometime ago but like I said in my poem titled: IN THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, I learned the hard and painful ways my lesson and I survived and discovered that whenever there is an ending there is also a new beginning! You will survive too. A well penned and poignant write! Keep it up! 10+++ Love and Peace for always! ...

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Riya paija 11 December 2019

Very nice poem liked it......

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Maggie Something 06 January 2012 this poem explains exactly how i feel! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Chidori Storm 29 December 2011

We feel pain in life due to loss and love. Sometimes both. It doesn't always last. Love is forever, like most people say. Pain comes and goes. When pain and love come together, it's usually because the one's we've loved and lost have made extremely great impacts on our lives. We never forget them, we never stop loving them, but the pain in the end goes away once we accept that.This poem really speaks the feelings from the heart. Don't give up hope. The pain will go away, but be warned, the love never will. It will follow you to your grave or until you hate that very person. Don't stop writing. This poem is really good.

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i know where you are, know exactly where you are. you can dream about them all night long and wake up crying because you were so happy to be close to him in any sense. i can't say that it's right, or that it's wrong, but that is how you feel. the feeling consumes you, it'z always lurking beneath other thought, tormernting you and dragging you down. that achy feeling because he's not there, and your not sure he wantz to be. i know it hurtz babe, but just keep smiling.

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Abdallah Gamal 07 July 2011

Hay hay think abt the rain think abt thundering think abt the lightning think abt the rainbow how it's come after all of this.. Everyone wants HAPPINESS no one wants pain But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain

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Chrishtiana Reed

Chrishtiana Reed

Twin Falls Idaho
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Chrishtiana Reed
Twin Falls Idaho
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