Pain Poem by Kim Hilliker

Kim Hilliker

Kim Hilliker

Anaheim, CA
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Kim Hilliker
Anaheim, CA
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Rating: 5.0

I have a pain so profound that I cannot name it
I try to ignore it, but I'm forced to claim it
It's a gut wrenching sorrow that only grows
An affliction that absolute misery knows
There's dejection in every breath that I take
And torment controls every move that I make
Love has abandoned me and pulverized my heart
Faith has done nothing but tear me apart
My spirit is faded and my soul has turned bleak
I am forsaken by God and all that I seek
Despair has taken over my wretched being,
And blessings are something I'm not believing
My essence is distressed by everything that is
I'm demagnetized by all that the universe gives
It's an existence of oppression on every plane
Like being institutionalized when you're not insane
It's a anguish so powerful my whole body will cry
A ruthless torture that begs my very being to die

Sunday, November 4, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: emotional,pain,suffering
Dr Antony Theodore 16 August 2018

There's dejection in every breath that I take And torment controls every move that I make Love has abandoned me and pulverized my heart... abandonment, pain and suffering very well expressed with so many examples. a fine poem. tony

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Chinedu Dike 14 June 2017

An insightful portrayal of the agony of life at its lowest ebb, elegantly penned in beautiful rhyme scheme from the heart with conviction. Deep feelings expressed with a wonderful command of the language. Awesome! Thanks for sharing Kim.

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Kim Hilliker

Kim Hilliker

Anaheim, CA
follow poet
Kim Hilliker
Anaheim, CA
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