Our Survival Depends On Getting Off Of This Planet Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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James McLain
From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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Our Survival Depends On Getting Off Of This Planet

Do you want to learn how to write good poetry?
Then study those whom before us have come.
They had no idea how ignorant most would become.
Participation trophies,
The win, the big score for the few is a single minded
Purpose, the discipline and the drive.
To take the few the truely gifted, the young and separate
Them from the chafe and the slag.
Math and that one special language that can express
All that can be said and speak only
One language.
It's no longer a matter of our using up the resources,
It's a matter of poisoned waist that has been permitted to
Kill this our planet.
So you think that your child whom you speak to as a child
Is special, you ruined that child, by not asking them questions
About understanding what intelligent people would say, when one
Equal speaks to another as an equal you think.
What is love but the named truth of expressing sex the sex
That you want or can't have in a language that's
Long since been expressed by those very master's above that
I've spoke to you of.
You must learn to communicate on a level that most whom
Think that they can but don't.
The trouble with dull witted people are people who think
They are smart.
Smart is no longer a yard stick to measure with, one's intelligence
Must now be superior,
If we have the chance to leave this dead rock and reach for the stars.
You might be trapped with those dumbed down kids, but I'm not.
The garbage man comes tomorrow, what are you going to do to do your
Own part?
Six billion mistakes is all most to much to deal with.
So how do you think that they will.
Talk about something useful and constructive, before the end comes
And your useless, begging and crying, must be put in the garbage as well

Our Survival Depends On Getting Off Of This Planet
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: green
That is a picture of more than ten thousand galaxies
Dexter 03 June 2019

this poem made me hard

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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James McLain
From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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