Our Love Poem by Christina Phillips

Christina Phillips

Christina Phillips

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Christina Phillips
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Our Love

Rating: 3.7

Looking up into the stars of your eyes
Wondering about our life
Our life together our life apart
When it will end when it will start
Wondering why, wondering how
Wondering if it will all start now
Never wanting to think of an end
Thinking of it will make my mind bend
Bend my mind, bend my heart
Where will it end when will it start
Pain and suffering come along with love
Flying in, and away like a dove
I wonder if love is worth it at all
Because along with love comes the potential to fall
Would I get up, could I handle it all?
I close my eyes then open them again
Looking into the stars of your eyes I decide
Fall or fly, soar or sink
All I will ever do is think
Think of our love and think of our life
Because that is worth any and all strife
Never let go no matter how hard it gets
Because our love is true, and I will never forget

I've been going through a rough time with the person I love, so on a whim, I started writing, and everything fell in place. I don't know who else this is for, but I hope it finds you.
shaheedah davids 19 August 2024

its beautiful.. held my attention until the end, I hope that you felt atleast abit of a release after you were done writing. Thank you for the glimpse into your heart

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Spell Shifter 06 August 2024

'Never wanting to think of an end / Thinking of it will make my mind bend' ─Pretty neat verses. Thank you for sharing with us.

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Beautiful poem of love. Loved it. And congratulations for, this poem is selected Poem Of The Day today

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Christina Phillips

Christina Phillips

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Christina Phillips
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