! ! Our Comet Wise Poem by Bob Blackwell

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Bob Blackwell

Bob Blackwell

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Bob Blackwell
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! ! Our Comet Wise

Rating: 4.0

Our comet with a fiery tail
moves slowly as it enters
heavens doors, to illuminate
the way to peace, the bliss,
the happiness that waits,
for all that seek to live a truth.

Our Comet Wise, tours our
Universe, it swoops through
the heavens with the speed
of a shooting star, and the ease
of a wandering albatross.
Leaving behind the cosmic
sprinkling of knowledge, with
the answers, to our
puzzle of enlightenment.

Is it wise to eat the solar dust
it leaves? Must we chase its
trail of light? Can we solve?
Rubik Heavens secret code,
for happiness and bliss?

Yes, we must follow and keep to
the path, the journey that it makes,
not deviating, being firm and resolute.
Just focus on its light, a light that’s
special, as it highlights all our faults,
and shows the path, the way of truth.

The same light will also warm, soften,
knead our hearts and minds, till
we can feel abundant love for all.
Our hearts will now feel the pain
of other’s in distress, we’ll want to
aid and with compassion, will give help.
Our own minds suffering will now lessen;
problems shared are problems halved.

We must also remain still, fall quiet,
from time to time, in the silent centre
of our Comet Wise. Leaving thoughts
behind, we’ll follow breath, go with
the whispered hush, the noiseless flow,
the silent path, to a place where souls
combine and we can see we are One
‘This is the way to our Enlightenment’


Bob Gibson 10 October 2008

Our comet streaks before us we follow it's fiery trail it leads us through the heavens, searching for the holy grail our destiny unknown as as we plough on through the stars souring through the cosmos, way past Jupiter and mars loved this poem Bob

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Kesav Easwaran 12 October 2008

The very sun that enables us to see objects also prevents us from seeing beyond it...we must be able to see what is 'beyond behind this light'...there lies the enlightenment to comprehend...our 'soul searching comet like journeys' towards this goal should continue unabatedly...very insightful write, Bob 10

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Gargi Saha 12 October 2008

A very wonderful poem to make the world a better place to live in which we all are striving.

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Tia Maria 13 October 2008

A very enlightening, uplifting & enjoyable read Bob 10/10

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Alison Cassidy 17 October 2008

Your comet is the perfect metaphor for understanding the truth of spiritual bliss. The shining head, the long fiery tale and expansive nature of such a magnificent heavenly body uplifts and inspires the reader.. In particular I loved the line: 'Can we solve Rubik Heavens secret code, for happiness and bliss? ' Oh that you words could be written in huge letters across the sky! Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Ritty Patnaik 23 July 2009

an exciting trip to the infinites vast world, reminding us that we are all one, as creation of god, though we may look externally different, we are the same under the garb of clothes! dear bob, you think so beautifully! thanks, for sharing this.

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~ Jon London ~ 04 May 2009

Bob im loving your work, greatness in your free formed lines gives this an excellent edge to your creative penning..

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Gargi Saha 09 December 2008

Well written poem with good expressions. Enjoyed the peregrination.

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Ivor Hogg 01 December 2008

Enjoyed the read Bob You write in free form with seeming ease and get your message across with clarity whilst I stick with the discipline of set forms

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Chitra - 30 November 2008

a cosmic metaphor for the inner bliss that all us want to fill in our inner cloister porfound layers of thought unfolding through your sunlit verses.

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Bob Blackwell

Bob Blackwell

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Bob Blackwell
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