Open Your Eyes Poem by Mandie Casey

Mandie Casey

Mandie Casey

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Mandie Casey
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Open Your Eyes

Can you only see your present?
are you stuck inside your past?
Do you live in cold resentment
fearing nothing good will last?

Do you curse up at the sun
for shining in your face?
When the day's course has run
do you even have a 'happy place'?

Do you walk about with a frown
without realizing its there?
Are all life's colors faded brown
have you forgotten to care?

Do you ever stop to see?
life that can be taken in at a glance?
Things that are missed in life's frenzy
have you even given it a chance?

Do you marvel at the simple things
do you even notice life around you?
do you notice when a bird sings
or do you just wallow through?

Do you notice people around you?
notice and REALLY see
Do you try to walk in others' shoes
witnessing their sorrow or their glee?

Are you an ice cold critic
of everything you see?
does it weigh on you like bricks
knowing you can't be truly happy?

Do you only focus on the bad
and never realize you're blessed?
are you ever light-hearted or glad
or is your energy wasted on unhappiness?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: choice,self discovery
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Mandie Casey

Mandie Casey

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Mandie Casey
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