open Heart Surgery Poem by Gomer LePoet

Gomer LePoet

Gomer LePoet

Yoville, USA
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Gomer LePoet
Yoville, USA
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open Heart Surgery

Rating: 2.7

Open Heart Surgery

It's probably time, time to check my self in,
my hair's getting long, so are the whiskers on my chin,
sitting here in Disney, lost in Tomorrow Land,
classic signs of depression, feet stuck deep in the sand,
today was just another day, the next one just the same,
going thru the motions, pretending, what a shame,
one moment things seem okay, the next one I'm in panic,
the mind is total null and void, guess that means I'm manic,
try to shake these cobwebs, find some reason or a cause,
needing open heart surgery, pulse just wants to pause,
feelings are disappearing, becoming locked up deep inside,
nothing really matters now, even though I tried,
maybe there is a parallel world, where things work out fine,
but not in this one I'm afraid, can't find connecting line,
just how did this happen, I took my eye off the road,
was bending down to touch someone, then came the overload,
sparks and fire, burning desire, this is what I'm finding,
the Sun was way too bright, my eyes succombing to the blinding,
have no idea where I will go, it doesn't seem to matter,
hope no one feels hate for me, and all my idle chatter,
next time around I'll get it right, will I still remember you,
don't see how it could be worse, at least I hope that's true,
unless someone can fix, my heart completely broken,
open heart surgery may be too late, I wish that I was jokin'

Gomer LePoet

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Gomer LePoet

Gomer LePoet

Yoville, USA
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Gomer LePoet
Yoville, USA
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