On Winter's Night Poem by R B Seals

R B Seals

R B Seals

Columbus, Ohio
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R B Seals
Columbus, Ohio
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On Winter's Night

[Christmas Eve]

In closing weeks of year,
Fam'lies gather in holiday cheer.
Lucky are those 'cross far and near,
While skies turn gray—not so clear—

As air pressure drops low
And woeful winds begin to blow;
Some may witness a "wonder show"
As crystal powder falls as snow.

Hidden out of sight
From moon's cold, veiled light
Children, free from fear and fright,
Snuggle in for the night;

Enjoying hours of Christmas eve
In glad tidings to give and receive.
Such a wonderful time to believe
In what holiday spirit can weave.

All ‘round, children play and sing
And voice to any and all lis'ning
Their hopes of what Santa will bring
By sleigh and reindeer—short of wing.

In PJs and robes—spoons in hand—
Scraping frosting from kitchen pan,
Kids work out the morning plan
When all arise in wonderland.

Soon, as midnight hour circles nigh,
Santa and team will launch and fly
On roads silver-lined in frosted sky,
Bringing gifts to each gal and guy.

While below, should noise they hear—
Likely, just Santa and team reindeer—
Children are coached not to fear,
Just drift asleep with teddy near.

In covert mode, Santa on bended knee
Lays precious gifts under yuletide tree.
No chance household will hear or see
Comin' or goin'—as done so skillfully.

Before returning to laden sleigh
He turns, sighting thoughtful display.
A moment to pause, he stops to pray
Thanking God for snacks and such today.

With each member lost in dream,
Santa heads carefully to rooftop beam;
Quickly to rejoin Rudolph and team—
On to next stop, oft by jet stream.

Hours tick by; still many stops to make
O'er varied terrain—no time to wait.
Goal: to be home—always by daybreak—
Before Mrs. Claus stirs awake.

On Winter's Night
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas,christmas eve,dreams,family,god,love,santa claus,snow
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R B Seals

R B Seals

Columbus, Ohio
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R B Seals
Columbus, Ohio
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