Oh! Heaven Poem by Mubeen Sadhika

Mubeen Sadhika

Mubeen Sadhika

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Mubeen Sadhika
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Oh! Heaven

Rating: 5.0

The venom of that
stunning snake
sour taste of acid
those drowsy pills
deadly speeding truck
roaring sea waves

anything would have
brought me here

the luxuriant dreamy
zone plush with exuberance

the purple trees
foiled fruits
honey spitting
coiled serpents

consummation stopped
senses blocked
negations never
could be witnessed

smell of poison
indelible shade
of damn hell
would complete
this fairyland.

Sarwar Chowdhury 14 August 2009

Astonishing words came out from the fairyland! Very neat and clean and beautiful! I lovvvvvvv it! 10+

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Ted M 15 August 2009

Amazing! The word power you have used....................10+++

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 27 August 2009

Heaven can wait for recalcitrants with remorseful thought.

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Rajaram Ramachandran 28 August 2009

You write like me in short lines in simple English. I like your style very much.

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Omar Ibrahim 29 August 2009

simple words makes the poem easy to read and make it enjoyable and beautiful...thanks for sharing and keep writing..

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Alison Cassidy 27 September 2009

I read this piece as profoundly ironic. I interpret your 'heaven' is that state of mind, temporary and unattainable after the first few 'hits' that is expressed so superbly in the Beetles 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'. In this context, it works superbly for me. Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Aziz Alkaabi 19 September 2009

I don't this is nice. I believe this is astoundingly nice. Great work, Mubeen.

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Vijay Menon 19 September 2009

very nice poem indeed 10+++

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The Lost.. 19 September 2009

this poem is very nice.... the words are too simple but powerfull meaning... I really liked this poem. :)

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Samanyan Lakshminarayanan 19 September 2009

a wondrfully written poem...going to heaven even is painful well said in first stanza...10

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Mubeen Sadhika

Mubeen Sadhika

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Mubeen Sadhika
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