Dearest sweetest Sister,
Though these words of my
Shall surely fall shy
Of doing justice
To the love that I
Have for you,
But still, I shall try.
Where should I start?
It’s a task but hard.
Begin, perhaps, I should
By saying that I could
Not possibly tell you
How beautiful you are
On the outside,
And on the inside
Till the greatest depths
Of fathomable existence.
I thank you for your kindness
For your care, and concern,
And those few brief moments
When you have been stern -
These precious commodities
For which I shall yearn
When I am not here,
Far away somewhere
Outside the field of
Your loving gaze
At a place
Where these ears
Shall not hear
Your comforting voice.
When I am in the dark -
As I often am -
With nothing in sight
I need you there
As my guiding light;
I need you there
To wipe the tears
From my face
And keep at bay
All my fears
With your grace.
I need you to
Find me a wife
Just like you
So that my life
May be like those few
Fortunate ones
That in bliss forever are.
In the end I just pray
That you always be there
For me
As you always have been.
As I can't take care
Of me
By myself, on my own.
Without you
I shall feel alone
And empty.
Nice poem and I can help but remember how I miss my brother and dad who went ahead of me in the mercy of heaven's glory. thanks and best wishes, melvin
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Gaurav, sweet, sentimental, get a real feeling of what she means to you and what kind of a person she is. Gaurav, you might like to read my own ode to my sister. with thanks for sharing this.. Lizelah.x