O Pain! O Pain! Poem by Prabhakar Srivastava

Prabhakar Srivastava

Prabhakar Srivastava

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Prabhakar Srivastava
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O Pain! O Pain!

O pain! O Pain! What will thou gain?
By scorching a rare red rose into ash
Perhaps you have learnt man's brain
Which enjoys while one's dreams smash

Let people mock let them deteriorate
Let him be foe who claims to be mate
Let this universe stand against thee
Let Gods too grin seeing thee on knee

Let all those doubt who think thou can't
Let them jibe too seeing thee in want
All these things but quite trivial O Soul!
This universe too once was like a mole

Problem doesn't lie in what they say
It's just what thou think and thy way
Yes it hurts a lot when thy own untrust
Yet endeavor thy last before thou burst

These tensions too till thou have time
Once it ends, there will be no rhyme
Just learn to live for thee and thy goal
Keep loving but to each and every soul

Let Omnipotent too scrutinize thy will
With boundless hurdles let life be filled
But every breath must sing this song
Thou have might to mend every wrong

What though thy tears shed sometimes
To make thyself cry is afterall no crime
Besides it, it makes thee see apparent
Tears are'nt marely women's ornament

But those drops which thou thus shed
Care, don't make thee look like a mad
For many pretend to wipe thy drops
Indeed want to see thee like a corpse

In the trench of roaring venomous ocean
In the zenith of breathless snowy spleen
Having been pierced with millions thorns
Must remember but a timid only mourns

This quitting doesn't on thee really suit
Whether fate be furious or gods be brute
Set out alone on the journey thou chose
Do accept bloody thorns to get every rose

O Pain! O Pain!
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: pain
Gajanan Mishra 27 January 2018

let life be filled with all good

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Prabhakar Srivastava

Prabhakar Srivastava

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Prabhakar Srivastava
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