O! Cardiff Poem by Sylvia Chidi

Sylvia Chidi

Sylvia Chidi

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Sylvia Chidi
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O! Cardiff

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I recently took a weekend trip to the country of Wales. I stayed in Cardiff and I was simply blown away by the beauty of the countryside of Wales that I decided that it was about time for me to take up my pen again and write a little poem about Cardiff and Wales.

O! Cardiff
In a twist of tales
I took a trip to the Country of Wales
Slapped from side to side by windy gales
I could not help but bite my finger nails

O! Cardiff
I speak with love blindly
You taste like a sweet wild cherry
The never-ending hills of houses are a beauty clearly

Through the land of valleys known as Methyr Tydfil
I saw sights of green imposed on me without tariffs
There was the largest city called Cardiff
Enticing me luxuriously to a weekend of mischief

A parcel of Castles
Castle Coch, Caerphilly Castle and Cardiff Castle
Reminds me of those days when soldiers battled
Surrounding green makes me ponder about sheep and cattle
I just desire green tea brewed from a pot of metallic kettle

O! Cardiff
My stomach now sings a soft jelly
As I think of a sweet girl called Kerry
Right now I'm in an ecstatic state of being merry

Cardiff the city of exuberant style
I gaze at the Millennium stadium touching the skies
And a 150ft clock elongates with a smile
Wile the Severn cross-way seems to go on for miles

With my fortress of endless wild dreams
The musical festivals tempts me with boozy steam
As I meet a young toothless fairy
Whose chest is so hairy and scary!

The Museums, the Welsh accent and jack union flags
The Cardiff bays, the Mermaid Quay are Cardiff's tags
Spectacular restaurants and the day passes without a drag
O! Cardiff what else do you have in your mystery bag?

The reggae men sing about a one night stand
Women think they are stallions each time they try out new positions
And I with wonder can all but understand
For those who shoot the Sheriff are on a mission

O! Cardiff
The alcohol has made eyes blurry and weary
I like to buy a house and dog named Kerry
Today I'm in an ecstatic state of being merry
The Welsh people are oh, very friendly
The wetlands, historical cinemas and films
And though with a friendly broken leg I limp
O! Cardiff you are still here to fulfill all my dreams

Copyright 2010 - Sylvia Chidi


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