(o - Baba Amte - 1994) The Artist And His Art Poem by Kannan G

Kannan G

Kannan G

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Kannan G
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(o - Baba Amte - 1994) The Artist And His Art

Rating: 2.9

If I were to call him an artist
I would call him an artist
Who prefers to portray
The minds of men.
Still his taste is versatile.
His landscapes have a verdant
Beauty of their own.
He has a rich sense of colours.
He loves to apply
Bright joy over dark pain.
He depicts Nature
In its primitive nakedness.
In some of his paintings
Such as ‘The Forest of Joy’
And ‘People’s Brotherhood Project’
He has painted poetry.
His art is full of symbolic lyricism.
We see in them the tree of compassion
Spreading a cool shade
And standing with flowers in bloom.
We see the lofty light tower of work
Built on the mighty rock of will.
He shows an abiding fascination
For birds and flowers and trees.
His canvases abound with them.
In the coarseness of his canvas
His creativity blends nature and man
To create a harmony between
Beauty, utility and stability.
He creates a beautiful mix
Of the ancient and the modern.
In some of his recent works
We find him sketch
With subtle strokes of the brush
Drawn from the depth of his heart,
Mans unhealthy relationships
With nature.
In a striking canvas he shows
Progress and Superfluity
Monopolizing the tender breast
Of Mother Nature
While Poverty lies on her lap
Crying for a dropp of milk.
But he doesn’t belong
To such class of artists
Who remain content
Portraying grim realities.
He has been wielding
His brush and palette
To show how man can preserve nature
How he can ensure a better future.
He is the artist who said
“No one has the right to arrange
The funeral of the future.”

Romeo Della Valle 21 February 2010

Wow, astonishingly impressive, great talent you got, very deep, keep it up! you got what is needed in this poetry world, TALENT, 10+++ Love and Peace...

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Kannan G

Kannan G

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Kannan G
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