Now I Know The Reason: Poem by Ranil Gunawardena

Ranil Gunawardena

Ranil Gunawardena

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Ranil Gunawardena
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Now I Know The Reason:

Now I know the reason:

I always knew that one day we would be apart
But I ignored it because that was far apart

I always knew that we would fall sick
But I ignored it because we were well and fit

I always knew that we could get angry
But I ignored it because we were so friendly

I always knew that we would make losses
But I ignored it because we were making profits

I always knew that we would be criticized
But I ignored it because we were commended

I always knew that there would be bad times
But I ignored it because the times were so good

I always knew that there's a chance of us being poor
But I ignored it because we were so rich

I always knew the reasons were always there
embedded in me,
embedded in you,
embedded in us,
embedded in everything…
But I always ignored...

Now I don’t ignore, that there is a reason...
already within me...
already within you...
already within us...
already within everything...
to be together... and to be apart
to be well and fit... and to fall sick
to be friendly... and to be angry
to make profits... and to make losses
to be commended... and to be criticized
to have good times... and to have bad times
to be rich... and to be poor

And most importantly...
I know I am going to die
and you are going to die too
I know we are all going to die...
someday...some moment
And that someday... may be today...
And that moment... may be now...

This brings me to the important question!
What am I trying to hold on?
Thinking 'that' is not going to change?
Am I so childish?
Am I so ignorant?
Am I so foolish?
Am I a child... who is so happy seeing a Soap Bubble... going to cry in the next moment?

I let go...
Whether 'good'...
or 'bad'
Whether 'happy'
or 'sad'...
As now I know the reason

For something to be good... there had been a reason
For something to be bad... there had been a reason
For something to be happy... there had been a reason
For something to be sad... there had been a reason

Now I know,
Goodness was a result of a reason… badness was a result of a reason
Happiness was a result of a reason… sadness was a result of a reason
and when the reason changes... the result changes

Now I know...
The reason will change...
Definitely will change…
as there is always another reason 'within'... for the reason to change...

Now I know the result
Now I know the reason
Now I know the change
So now I let go…

Let go of the result
Let go of the reason
Not clinging to the result
Not clinging to the reason

Now I am calm...
The world around me is changing, but...I am calm
I am changing, but...I am calm
You are changing, but...I am calm
Everything is changing, but...I am calm

I am not holding on to things... which are changing...
I only notice change...
I don't try to push the result...or grab the result...
I only notice change... I am awakened...

I was ignorant... now I am not
I was childish... now I am not
I was foolish... now I am not
I was in the dark... now I am not

I know there’s a reason “already active” for change...
within me...
within you...
within everybody..
within everything...

I know everything is a result of a reason
and 'that reason' was a result of another reason
I know that there’s a reason already 'within'
to change the 'moment of now'...whatever it is

Now I am not clinging
to anything which is changing
always changing
and will keep changing

Now I am not pushing
anything which is changing
always changing
and will keep changing

Now I know the reason
To the sadness I experienced
I was childish to ignore...
the knowledge I had
that there is a reason...
waiting to change the result
of what I am experiencing now

Now I know...
This moment will change
and will definitely change
therefore there is no point
of being happy about this moment
or being sad about this moment
Now I am awakened... only to 'notice' this moment
Not to grab it
Not to push it
Thereby I am not affected by this moment

Now I know...
my mind has gone beyond happiness
my mind has gone beyond sadness
my mind is still
my mind is tranquil!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love and loss
This is a reply to 'Life's Black Curtains' - Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak
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Ranil Gunawardena

Ranil Gunawardena

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Ranil Gunawardena
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